Crush on best friend part 1

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Names below are the characters of this story.

Ryder Davidson

Mason Jacobs

Julian Morgans

James Michaels

Roxanne Davies

Ryan Mathews

Tyler Daniels

Ryder Davidson POV

My name is Ryder Davidson and I am going to tell you a bit about my background and where I come from.

I grew up in New York USA and then me and my family have lived in New York City most of my life so to clarify that side I am 18 Years old and so we have lived in New York City for 18 years now as it is how old I am.

I have a mum called Linda Mathews, a dad called Jonathon Peters and a younger brother by one year called Julian Davidson and he goes to the same exact high school as me which the school is called West Patrick High School.

I didn't know that I was gay until I turned 15 which was when I was in Freshman year and that was also the hardest time of my life because I began finding it difficult to hide my crush on Tyler from my family and friends.

I just hope that now I will be in senior year no one will bully me and make fun of me. Also I hope that they aren't mean to the point of where they beat me up and call me names and say that it is disgusting to like your best friend who is male especially when I am male my self.

I have a best friend called Tyler Daniels who I have known since my childhood and I am very lucky to have my childhood best friend attending the same high school as me and if I haven't said it already I have a crush on Tyler since our freshman year that we had mostly together and we also have seen plenty of people being bullied and also people who are the bullies.

Tyler Daniels POV

My name is Tyler Daniels and since our childhood me and Ryder have grew up going to the same schools. We even spent most of our lives having sleep overs at each others houses, I also know that my best friend has a crush on me which I'm happy about because he doesn't know that I feel the exact same way about him so the feeling is mutual.

I can't wait for the day in our lives to come where we can get together at a party or some where that is a great place to speak and then we can confess out undying love for each other and maybe in the future get together.

Most of our lives has mainly been filled with up's and down's especially with Ryder and his problem of figuring out if he likes either girls or guys which it is a really difficult thing to do nower days and he'll need me and his parent's and little brother to help him and be supportive no matter what happens when the time comes for him to I don't know finally admit his feelings for me and his attraction to guys because then he will find himself to be a lot happier when he has some people that know and accept him for who he is.

Ok now I can introduce my wonderful family to you who have already accepted me for being gay and they even said that love is love and you can't help loving who you love. So we have my wonderful and loving mother Samantha Daniels, my sweet and sassy sister Amanda Taylor and my awesome and understanding father Mathew Parker.

The next day.

Ryder Davidson POV

It is the first day back at school and it is also the first day of mine and Tyler's senior year and I have a funny feeling that this year isn't going to be as great as the last three years that we had in West Patrick High School also at some point this year is homecoming and I am hoping that some of mine and Tyler's friends that we met in freshman year of High School are going and they will stick by me and up for me when trouble with the bullies start.

Yes for most of my freshman year I was being bullied by some jocks and cheerleaders who don't like those who are different to them especially the ones figuring out their sexual orientation which of course means me as most of my life since being 15 years old was a struggle with my sexuality and figuring out who I liked even if it was finding out if I liked the same gender or the opposite gender which has been really difficult for me for most of my life.

We are now in school and I am at my locker getting my equipment I need for my first two periods when some of mine and Tyler's friends come up to me and they try and have a conversation with me.

Mason POV

Hey buddy how is your day going anything interesting happening with you yet today. We know that Tyler isn't here yet other wise I would have seen him by now because he would by now be at his locker five lockers down from yours I mean man I can't believe how close your locker and his locker is it's unbelievable.

Ryder's POV

Yeah I know but like we have already established I am the one with the massive crush on my childhood guy best friend and some people will find that weird and maybe want to start to bully me for it.

Julian Morgans POV

What do you mean man you have me Mason, James, Roxanne and Ryan to back you up and stop them from being mean and rude to you especially if it is going to be all because they think you being gay and crushing on your childhood guy best friend Tyler is stupid and just plain idiotic, this means that if they start you will have us and Roxanne's dad to back you up because Roxanne's dad is the principle of our school after all.

Ryan's POV

Exactly and would you look at that here comes our Ryder's crush and soon to be boyfriend hopefully if people don't turn almost all the school against our poor Ryder not that it will happen but we shall see what the future brings shall we.

Oh my god guys umm we might want to be ready to protect Ryder as his bullies from freshman year are coming this way especially right behind Tyler.

Steven Phillip Ryder's main bully POV

Well well well if it isn't the gay boy with his little posse right guys. All of the cheerleaders and Jocks begin laughing.

Hi Mason what are you and the other five doing with the god dam queer for he is fricking disgusting especially with his stupid crush on Tyler who I am pretty sure would never go for a lame, washed up excuse of a nerd anyway Tylers to good for him.

Tyler deserves to be with someone like me or Jackson my second in command of the football and basket ball teams.

Tylers POV

I am walking down the hallway from the principles office I begin heading for my locker before class when I see Steven the ego tystical jerk face bullying Ryder again especially saying tings like Ryder is a god dam queer, lame, washed up excuse of a nerd only he didn't realise that I am literally right behind him and that I can see Ryder trying to keep his tears in and not run away.

Clears throat. So I can see you and your jock, cheerleader friends haven't listened to what we said back in freshman year when you were bullying my childhood best friend and also hate to break it to you but I am also gay and I just so happen to also have a crush on Ryder so you either stop bullying him and leave us alone or we get the principle involved who just so happens to be Roxanne's father.

Steven POV

Ok yeesh fine let's go guy's no need to waist our time with the queer parade anyway and Lucy I am so sorry for the one guy you actually like turning out to be gay and a queer for his precious childhood best friend Ryder.

End of Part one.

My name is Kieran Guest aged 18 almost 19 and this is the first part to Crush on best friend book one.

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