Crush On Best Friend Part 4

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Up above is a picture of who I see playing Ryder my main character.

Tyler's POV

This is not fair Steven Ryder's old bully get's to go on a date with my best friend and childhood crush before me and yet if the roles were reversed Steven would be feeling exactly how I am feeling right now. Steven doesn't really deserve a second chance after all he has done with bullying Ryder and yet Ryder would happily go on a date with someone so fit and strong just because he is on the football and basketball teams and that he is a jock. Well if Ryder is in to guy's on the football and basketball team then I can happily try out for the teams.

Steven's POV

I am in the car on route 66 and Ryder doesn't know where we are going as it is a surprise. I have planned to take him to a beach that I know of and that he doesn't so it will be the best surprise ever and hopefully also the best date ever. Two minutes later we arrive at Venice Beach and Ryder looks outside and sees that we are at the surprise location and what is in store for him on this date and I hope that he is surprised so there is only one way to find out and that is to let the date begin and go on till Ryder feels tired or bored of being on the date.

Ryder's POV

We have arrived and the idea Steven had for a first date was a sweet idea and this just goes to show just how much I mean to him and he should know that he will have tough competition especially if both him and Tyler are both trying to earn My trust and I really hope that it doesn't cause trouble especially depending on who I choose to be my homecoming date when it comes which is just right around the corner and obviously they both deserve my trust but they also need to earn my heart and they should also understand that if I can't choose between them. 

Then that means they should understand that I just might even decide to date them both which may cause drama but maybe it will probably unite us as one especially if either of them are planning on proposing to me in the future and begin a family with me and expand the family from me and either of Tyler or Steven's family's legacy. On that note though I think this date that Steven has planned is probably at the time the best date I have had which is better than the one I went on with Jasper who couldn't think of a better area for a first date unlike Steven has.

Steven's POV

I think that what surprised Ryder more was the location to the date that I selected and I am glad of the look on Ryder's face which just shows that it is better than his past date that he had years before he met me because if I heard correctly Ryder's ex boyfriend Jasper didn't really give him a great first date experience because all his ex could think about was himself and his constant secret one night stands that he had behind poor Ryder's back. I heard that when Ryder found out he was heart broken it just broke my heart especially when I used to bully Ryder all the time until now which I am glad that I am not bullying him anymore.

Jasper Raymond POV Ryder's ex 3 years ago  

Me and Ryder got together a few months in the summer before Ryder began his freshman year and in the middle of freshman year I went to a lot of parties and I was constantly going behind his back and having one night stands with a lot of girls and guys and then two weeks after the party I went to Ryder's house and I knocked on the door and Ryder let me in. When I looked towards my boyfriend of almost 3 years because we have now been together for two and a half years I saw him crying so I said Ryder baby what's  wrong and what he said next left me standing stunned near his front door.

Ryder's POV 3 Years Ago

Well Jasper I was at home all night ringing you and you didn't pick up so I rang my second best friend James and what he told me I found pretty upsetting and painful to hear and what he told me exactly was that some guy with green eyes and blonde, brown hair was at a party and getting drunk and going upstairs with loads of girls and guys from our school and other schools as it was a party for all schools that are in our area. I was like no James you can't mean my two and a half years boyfriend Jasper and what he said next really hurt me. What he said was if you would like to know who it was and it was you so I have now heard from my second and close best friend that you were cheating on me with all these girls and guys so now I am going to ask you to leave and don't come back or contact me because I wont date a cheating gold digger.

Julian Davidson POV

I am Ryder's younger brother and I am glad that my older brother has two guys trying to earn his heart and trust because it was hard for anyone to get really close to Ryder after him and Jasper broke up but that obviously didn't stop Ryder from secretly crushing on Tyler and noticing Steven bulling him because he has a possible crush on my older brother which I think is awesome how two guys who are popular are  trying to get Ryder's heart. Even our parent's are happy that my brother has two potential future boyfriend's and Husband's and I can't wait for Tyler or Steven to ask Ryder to marry one of them because I'll end up getting a brother in law unless both of them asks Ryder to marry them then I'll get two new brother in laws and mum and dad will get two new son in laws.

Jonathon Ryder's dad POV

My first born son is on a date with Steven his old bully and I am glad that Steven isn't bullying my baby boy anymore because if I am being honest every time Ryder came home from school for the past three years he would go up to his bedroom and lock his door and then cry himself to sleep till the next day and then me and Linda with Julian sat across the table from Ryder and asked what is wrong with him and why he was  coming home bloody and bruised. Ryder then said someone at school who's name is Steven Phillips was beating him up and calling him words like fag, loser, queer and gay boy. Just hearing him say those words angered me and made me want to march all the way to his school and show this Steven Phillips not to mess with my first born son. Which is who I don't mind being gay because he is my son and I love him for who he is and not for his sexual preference because him just being himself makes me the proudest father on this entire earth right now.

Ryder's POV 

We are still on this awesome date and we have just had the most romantic dinner by the beach and now Steven is playing music as we dance together for the last of this grate date that I have had since my painful date with Jasper almost 3 years ago today. I am glad that Steven is doing everything he  can on this first date to make it the best date ever for me.

Steven is honestly the first person to ever take me on a unimaginable and unforgettable first date ever. I hope that my ex Jasper doesn't come back and get me to forgive him so that he can be my boyfriend again. Also you know the saying you will never forget your first love well it's true. I won't ever forget Jasper and I hope where ever he is now he is happy because I'm happy especially with both Steven and Tyler wanting to always be in my life whether that be friends or lovers I don't care as long as I have two handsome and dashingly strong guys after my heart.

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