6. Waiting on the Alice

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Hello everyone,
I know I've said I'd take a break, and I did. I feel better, and I appreciate all the love and support I've been getting so much. It means a lot to me.

We're currently in a lockdown and even though I've been trying to avoid wattpad, I simply miss writing. I miss you guys.

So here's another chapter. I'm not sure if I'll be writing more regularly but I'll give my best.

Also please don't be mad but i won't be reading comments for a while, because they seem to diminish my fun for literature.

Much love. ❤️


Days had gone by, and Theodore had not seen his bonded. He'd seen none of the royals. After bringing the princess back to Lyria, they'd been told that they were free to go. But Theodore wasn't going anywhere.

He used his pledge to Princess Alice as a reason for staying to protect her. But he wasn't the only one staying. The other knights had gone back to Walzenor but for some reason Emeric stayed here as well. It bothered Theodore. What could Emeric possibly gain from staying?

Theodore spent his days standing guard in front of Alice's room. The indigenous knights didn't guard the rooms of the royal family but Theodore gladly did. To his surprise Emeric joined him and they both stood there in front of her room all day as maids with full trays of food went into the room, but almost always came back with the same amount of food as before. Alice wasn't eating and it worried Theodore.

The tension between Emeric and Theodore was there, thick as smog, but they didn't speak. Theodore didn't trust Emeric but when the halls were full of people and servants during the day he'd gotten a few hours of rest in the servants quarters. He wasn't welcome and he knew that but he didn't care. His thoughts were consumed by his soulmate.

Inside the castle it was curtesy for knights to wear their helmets which made it easier on Theodore. He'd only take off his helmet when he would eat something in the servants kitchen or when he slept.

No one knew that the broad man with the piercing blue eyes was King Theodore there biggest enemy until recently, but they knew that he was from Walzenor.

He didn't care for the looks he'd been getting. Theodore was observant, and he heard their whispers, and saw the way they looked at the stranger, but he didn't even give it a second thought.

Emeric had been more conversational, and taken the opportunity to get to know the slight differences between the two countries. It interested him, but what interested him the most was the fact that Dorn wasn't leaving Alice's side.

Something was off about him, he thought.

On the other side Alice's childhood personal maid, Mary, who was only a few years older than her tried her best to get Alice of the thought of her brothers death. She braided her hair, told her funny stories of her journey to town, and asked her about her adventures in Walzenor.

Alice didn't speak, she only nodded, smiled or burst out in tears into Mary's arms. Alice couldn't possibly explain everything that had happened.

Mary wouldn't understand it even if Alice told her about everything. She had never felt the pain, or seen the things that Alice had seen. She never wished Mary any of the things that had happened to her, but it was the reason for her silence. She wasn't the same person, from when she'd left.

Four days had gone by and the young princess hadn't left her room even once. But today she got up from the seat by the window in her chambers, which she'd been staring out of in between crying for days.

She got up early and awaited Mary. She'd asked her for casual noble clothes and a promise to keep a secret. Mary was very surprised that Alice spoke and she smiled brightly at her friend.

"I promise," Mary said as she lifted her pinky up towards the princess. Alice had long forgotten about their pinky promises.

It reminded Alice of when they were children.

"Princess, where are we going?" Mary asked nervously as she followed the young princess through the halls of the castle.

The little girl looked over her shoulders and grinned at Mary. "I want to go visit the animals." She whispered as she checked behind every corner before sneaking on.

"You want to go to the castle farm? But - his highness said-,"

Alice turned and quickly clapped her hand over Mary's mouth. She raised her index finger to her lips and signalized her to be quiet. Mary listened and soon realized that two soldiers were walking away from them around a corner.

When silence returned Alice dropped her hand and smiled. Mary was flustered. "Princess, your father has told you many times that you aren't allowed there. We're going to get in trouble." She tried to argue, knowing full well that if the little princess had a plan she'd let nothing stop her.

"I know that's why he'll never know." Alice smiled playfully. "I promise you I won't tell." Alice lifted her pinky and although Mary knew that this would be nothing but trouble she couldn't help but want to help the little girl, who's eyes beamed of curiosity.

Later they'd gotten caught after Alice and Mary terrifyingly realized about the slaughtering of animals, and Mary had not only gotten into trouble with the King but she'd also gotten a slap from her mother who also worked in the castle in the kitchen.

Alice's flashback eased her pain as she started remembering who it was that was in front of her.

She took Mary's finger and thanked her, and for the first time since she'd returned Alice had smiled at her.

When Mary returned with her own best clothes, which were the equivalent of a nobles most casual clothes she asked Alice about her plan.

"I'm heading to town." She explained.

"What? You mustn't." Mary said concerned. "I must." Alice replied.

"You haven't even spoken to your parents yet. Or eaten, or..."

Alice gave a certain look which reminded her that Alice probably wasn't going to change her mind.

Nevertheless Mary explained to the young princess that royals and sometimes even nobles weren't safe in the towns any longer. Due to growing poverty, everyone had nothing but hate left for those of wealth.

Alice had assumed this already after seeing the looks of everyone's faces while they rode past villages and through the city to the castle. It was the reason for the casual noble clothing.

While Mary was still trying to convince the princess, Alice walked over to the chamber doors and was pleased to see both Dorn and Emeric outside.

Theodores heart almost skipped a beat at the sight of his bonded. She waved them to come inside and Mary's worry kept growing.

They'd kept the Walzenorian armor which was different to the Lyrian one in shape, making it possible for her to identify them.

"Princess?" Mary asked confused.

"Dorn, Emeric, I have an order for the two of you." She stated and Theodore didn't know what she was planning but he recognized the sparkle in her eyes. She had the same one as when she worked on the laws for her people.

Underneath the helmet he grinned. She had a plan, and he was ready.

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