The Punishment

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The chilly December wind blew pass Jacey as she wondered into the forest snow covered trees. The snow was glistening off the half moon giving her barely any light. She leaned her head to the right until she felt the releasing pop than did the same to the other side It helped when she needed to relax. She could hear branches breaking on the ground as her family gathered around the sacred circle of their pack, Jacey stood by Carabella, who was her best friend and the person to get her out of trouble. Carabella nodded her acknowledge to Jacey and smiled sadly. They knew what was coming; the punishment that Jacey's little brother, Connor, would receive.

Jacey looked around, seeing everyone than stopped at Connor, who was in cuffs. He had his head and she could see that his eyes were shut tight. She knew that he was horribly scared out of his mind and who could blame him. He looked up as if sensing that she was staring at him.

"Don't worry," she mouthed trying to reassure him. The voices around them suddenly got quiet. The elders of the pack stepped through the crowd, followed by the alpha wolf, Jacey's father. Her father to her and kissed her on the forehead than turned and walked to the highest boulder that loomed above the circle.Tears filled Connor's eyes as if he already knew his punishment. Hell they all knew what would happen to you if you exposed the secret to the human world; Death.

"Tonight, we come here to settle the punishment of Connor Alexander Toris. The punishment for exposing our kind to humans is death. Although he is my son, we must follow tradition. If anyone thinks differently and that he should not be punished, step forward and give your reasoning" her father said with a firm voice.No one stepped in the circle. Connor's eyes searched for someone who would defend him. But no one stepped in. They were all quet looking to each other as Jacey's father nodded. "Than.." He started to say. "Wait!!!" Jacey stepped in the circle, tears burning her eyes. Everyone turned to look to her. Taking a deep breath, she went to walk to her brother's side. As she walks by everyone, Carabella comes out and grabs her arm,"What do you think you're doing?!" She whispered threw her teeth.

"You know I have to go to his side, no one else will." Jacey whispered back. As she tried to walk to get her arm loose from Carabella's grasp. She turned back to look at Carabella who was shaking her head and released her arm. She kept ground and walked into the center of the circle knowing the dangers of crossing the circle. Connor's eyes widen as he watched his sister. Her father looked down at her with confusion and slight disappointment. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath than reopened her eyes. As she looked straight into her father's eyes, "Dad, I...It wasn't Connor's fault, I told him that we should turn to get to Bella's house quicker. I didn't know or even smell the humans around. Please, dad don't kill him, he's your only son," Jacey pleaded.

"So what you're telling me is that you are willing to take the punishment that  we were going to do to your brother?" Her father said with confusion as she chuckled a little as she shook her head. "Not, I was thinking more along the lines of, taking away my phone or computer, things like that. Even sending me away, just find a new punishment instead of killing Connor. It was all my fault for him being seen." She paused a moment before saying,"The Elders took care of the minds of those humans. For all they know i was walking my really big dog." 

Jacey could see that her father was thinking about it and hopefully the Elders would agree. She turned to face them as she could barely hear what they were saying, finally her father nodded and waved to them. "The Elders and I will have a discussion about this. For now, both Jacey and Connor are free. But I warn you the council doesn't give second chances like this often. So don't do anything that would make us think about changing our minds. We will tell only Jacey and Connor what punishment will be give them, so we won't meet like this again." And with that her father and the Elders swiftly moved off into the woods.

Jacey waited till she couldn't see or even hear them before going to Connor with Carabella following close behind her. As Jacey reached Connor she pulled off one of the cuffs and the other just as quickly, before pulling him into a tight hug. He hugged her back with ease as they both knew they just got off easy. As they pulled apart Jacey threw an arm on Connor's shoulder and they walked to town with Cara on Jacey's other side. "Connor it's going to be okay, for you and your sister," Carabella said as she walked with them. Connor didn't say anything but smiled and blushed a little.When they finally got home, Jacey was about to go inside with her brother when Carabella grabbed her arm "We need to talk," Carabella said as she let go and backed away from the door. Jacey looked to her brother who nodded with a sad smile and walked towards the hall to his room. Jacey turned and walked to Carabella who was a good distance from her and heading towards the park up the road. 

As Jacey got to the bench that Carabella was sitting on she smiled a little remember being little pups and running around the bench howling. " So what is it," She said as she held her jacket tighter feeling the cold wind blow some of the unpacked snow into there faces. "Jacey, what were you thinking? You know what happens to traitors, and I know that your brother isn't a traitor, but that is now  going to be the same punishment against you...: Carabella said as she looked at Jacey with sadness and worry in her eyes. Jacey remembered that Carabella's father was killed by hunter's and when her mother attacked the hunter's she transformed after and was caught. That was not the best day for Carabella. Jacey hugged her and whispered, "I'm sorry, but  I couldn't let them kill Connor, and it was my fault he was being punished." 

She heard Carabella's sigh and she knew that Cara wouldn't want to argue anymore."We will see what tomorrow will bring, and I know you will be the first to know." She said as they parted from there hug and started to drag themselves home. 

Jacey woke up with the morning light shinning on her face. She yawned as she wanted to sleep more, but the thought of what she was going to get told today kept her up. As she sighed and got up and did her morning routine and went into the kitchen going to throw her wet towel into the laundry room Carabella cleared her throat. "Jacey, your father left this here for you..." Carabella said sas she couldn't look Jacey in the face and walked out the front door. "Morning to you too Cara." She sighed a little and read the note on this small crumpled paper.


Meet me at my office at about 9am. Oh and bring Carabella with you.


"Cara? What does she have to do with any of this?" She said as guilt started to eat away at her stomach. She walked to the door and saw Carabella talking to Connor and she felt so bad, "Cara... Come on its 8:45, we need to get to dads office." She said as she walked with Carabella following behind her, picking up the pace they made it to her father's office in time. "What does your father want with me?" Carabella said as she looked a little confused and worry. "Not sure, just going with what that note said and it said to bring you." She smiled at Carabella trying to lift the worry she was having as they walked through the door, to seeing her father sitting behind his desk. "Hi dad. So I thought everyone wasn't supposed to know what was going on," But before she could continue her father raised his hand to her,

"You and Connor will not receiving the death punishment." She heard the loudest sigh of relief from Carabella and Jacey smiled, "So what's the punishment? No phone for a month? " He looked up at her and pushed three papers that have been under his other hand forward. "No, we have to do something a bit more permanent then that..." He said as Jacey looked down and read the names on the paper Jacey Nicole Toris, Carabella Lynn Johnson, Miles Samuel Smith. "What are those dad?" She said pointing to the papers feeling that she won't be so happy with what is happening. "Oh, so your punishment is that you three will be going to boarding school... In Montana." 

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