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Carabella could feel the wolf subsiding slowly as she left Brandon in the hallway to head back to the dorms and she let the guilt eat away the anger. If I get him hurt, I won't forget myself.  She thought as she kept moving trying to get back as soon as she could.  "Where are you going?" She heard an all too familiar voice come towards her from behind and she stopped and turned. "It's none of your business where I am heading. But if you must know I am heading to my dorm, I do not feel well now if you excuse me." She said pushing forward as she heard him move with her, "Let me walk you back, I don't want you to get sick and no one be able to care for you." She heard the sincerity in his voice as she was thrown back a little but not to forget how he really is, " No I will be alright thanks though." She said as she felt his hand caress her should and pull her back and push her against the lockers with a thud. "Skylar..." She said through her teeth feeling the growls start again. "Shhh. Its ok Carabella, I just wanted to be alone with you again and tell you Brandon is a liar. He was one of my closest friends and then I found out that he slept with my girlfriend. He is a liar and will find what makes you weak." She couldn't help but chuckle at what he was saying to her. "Says the guy who has me against a locker when all I want to do is go to my dorm. " She said as she felt his lips hot against her's and she felt the growls growing and getting louder. She needed to get out and fast. 

She pushed Skylar away and slapped him across the face, ignoring the pain as her hand throbbed.  She knew his face was red and hurting she didn't help him as he started to cuss and groan in pain. Shouldn't of done that, but he is lucky I have some control.  She thought as she heard the growls getting louder and she got out of the building into the fresh air and she closed her eyes and let the snow gently fall to face each melting on touch as she was burning up needing to change. She had to find a place to go and she opened her eyes and her change had started her vision was changing and she was seeing less color and she took off leaving her bag to fall into the snow. The forest was not far and as soon as she got in the woods far enough and she took a deep breath and smelled no humans around her she stripped down and groaned in pain. Her bones changing and moving into place and the fur bursting through each piece of skin. She screamed in pain and keeled over in pain shutting her eyes and groaning trying to stay quiet till the transformation was complete. 

 Twenty minutes later she felt the pain ease and she could hear everything and smelling the river miles away. The deer that roamed the woods didn't stray far from the school since the students fed them. She heard their heartbeats, then she heard the voice in the distance, "She isn't in the dorm, or in any building. What would send her into the woods." She growled and knew she had to run or Skylar would come across her in her wolf form and cause a commotion. But the wolf was in control and wanted him to have the fear to be put into him for causing others pain. We have to go! Deeper into the forest she thought and her wolf barked back at her frantic wants to go deeper into the forest. They turned and dodged trees as the maze of the forest leads to Skylar wondering the forest. "OH GOD!" as the screams begin and she growls baring her teeth to him and showing her power making inches towards him. She could smell his fear on him and seeing the sweat drip from his brow gave her wolf the satisfaction she looked for. She howled and turned and bolted toward the darkness of the forest making sure others stay away from her clothes, but still run around and enjoy the freedom of not having other on her back, all she worried about was other wolves and animals. She could handle anything as a wolf the snow beneath her paws and into her fur cooling her down and calming her. As the sun came to show that it was setting she knew that Brandon was waiting on a text for her so the wolf went back to her clothes. 

As she sniffed the air she smelled no humans within ear range as she prepared for the pain as her bones began breaking and placing back to where they should be as she howled in pain. The fur going back into her skin like someone is sucking it through a straw. Each hair a needle going straight through the skin all over her body at one time. As she lays on the ground naked and in pain she struggles with breathing as her ribs are still getting back in place as she is melting the snow around her from the heat of her transformation back. She groans and lays in the puddle for ten minutes before getting up and putting her clothes back on. "I'm totally normal can't you tell with my extreme heat." She sighed and started back toward the edge of the woods. "Carabella! Is that you?! Oh god! Are you okay? There was a wolf and you disappeared! I thought you were a goner!" He said and she saw the tears that had been streaming down his cheeks and she was thrown back and shrugged a little trying not to let it get the better of her judgement. "Well as you see I am perfectly fine." She said lifting her arms and feeling the ache of the change, "Can I walk you back to the dorm? Please I have to make sure you get there safely." He said with compassion and looking at the snow instead of her and she could hear the worry. "Sure, but only to the door. Do not come inside the door okay?" She said as she got her phone from her pocket and put in Brandon's number and sent him a text.

Hey this is Carabella, if you don't mind and aren't busy, could we meet at the library in 5 mins?

She hit send just as they arrived to the dorms and Skylar reached out to her and she quickly moved out of his reach. " I found your bag and took it to your room, well outside your room." She sighed and forgot that she had a bag, " Thank you for that. But I am here now, but I have to go get notes from classes today." As she turned to enter her dorm building Barbie was waiting for her right inside as she pushed open the doors with and evil look on her face. "Skylar honey!" She said as her expression changed so quickly and she shoved Carabella out of the way and wrapped her arms around his neck, "So are we having ANOTHER "study" dated tonight?" She said as she giggled and made sure to keep herself between Carabella and Skylar. "No not tonight, not ever Kelly... we are done and have been over for a while." He said as he threw her arms away and walked away. Before Kelly could turn to blame it on Carabella she slipped away to her room. She heard the frustrated screams from the room and knew that she wouldn't be able to get back out the normal way. 

"Window it is..." She grabbed the bag outside her room and shut her door quietly before opening the window. The cold air welcomed her and calmed her. She took in a deep breath and leaped from her room down the two stories landing with a thud and took off before anyone noticed. As she slowed down her run to a lite walk as she arrived to the library. She saw Brandon standing outside with a red wrapped gently around his neck and his cheeks red from the cold and she couldn't help but smile when she saw him. "Hey"

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