00.2|| all packed away.

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IT WAS THE FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, Aquila had woken up early that morning. Around 7:30 am, she went downstairs and was greeted by an empty quiet house. How she always liked it, or more-so how she was used to it being. Her mother was usually stationed in her room. Aquila went into her fridge and grabbed the milk. Cereal, it was what she had almost every morning.

She was used to a routine. Wakeup, eat, shower, go on with your day. At dinner, eat, read, explore, stay in her room and do whatever she wanted for the rest of the night. Sometimes, her routine would change, but that was rare. She barely ever saw her mother, and if she did they only spoke a few words. She did the grocery shopping, since her mother usually worked long days, and sometimes nights.

As she was sitting there eating her breakfast she remembered the day. Her corner of her lips twitched up a bit in excitement. Once she finished her breakfast, she went upstairs and got into the shower. As she was washing her hair, she was lost in thought. She was thinking of all the things she would do this year at Hogwarts. The crazy things. Last year, the chamber of secrets opened and people were petrified, and the year before that the sorcerers stone was in danger and one of their professors turned out to have Voldemort on the back of his head.

She got out of the shower at around 8:45, getting so lost in her thoughts. "Aquila? Are you awake?" The voice of her mother stated through the door, "Yes mother, I'm awake." She responded. The door creaked open slowly, and behind the door stood her mother dressed in a dark robe and her clear glasses. She offered a small soft smile to her daughter, "We're leaving at 10:45. We'll apparate close to the station, as we can't apparate to a place muggles can see us." Aquila nodded and returned her smile. As her mother left and the door closed, her smile faded quickly. She began folding her clothing to put in her trunk, and she got her books and placed them in the trunk after her clothes. She closed her trunk after packing, and grabbed her wand and her favorite book and put them in a bag as a carry on.

Alice In Wonderland.

Her favorite book. It was a muggle book, but she still enjoyed it nonetheless. She may have been a pureblood, but she didn't believe in ranks. She thought muggles and muggleborns were on the same level as wizards, maybe even better than wizards. She had read the book about a thousand times, always getting lost in the pages as if she was in the book herself as a spectator.

She was finished packing at around 9:50. She sat down on her bed and ran her fingers over her silk white sheets, smiling a bit at the fact she wouldn't see her bed for a long time. Its not that she didn't like it here, she just didn't find it to be her home. Merely a place she resides in. What her home was, she really did not know. All she knew was this place wasn't it.

Aquila got up and put on her long black cardigan. She slipped her necklaces on, 3 of them, to be exact. She slipped her rings on, taking her fathers off and on 3 times before letting it rest on her finger. She looked up slowly at the mirror behind her vanity, up at the girl in the mirror. Long dark eyelashes matching her dark purple half circles under her eyes. Her lips twitched up in a small smile. She quickly turned around and checked the time,


She turned away from the mirror and picked up the cage that her owl Vinnie resided in, "Hello Vinnie, it's time to leave." The owl hooted in mock response, as if the owl could hear her. She smiled a small smile, and grabbed her trunk and went downstairs. Her mother was standing there reading the Daily Prophet. Aquila took one last look at her house and turned to her mother. She grabbed a few snacks and a water to put in her backpack, landing with a few galleons and sickles for sweets on the train.

"Are you ready hon?" Her mother said sweetly without looking up from the newspaper. "Yes, mother." She responded. Her mother finally looked over to her and smiled, "Lets go then." Aquila had noticed there were tears in her eyes that wouldn't dare to fall. She also noticed her mother threw away the newspaper, which was odd. She always kept the newspapers. Ignoring the nagging questions in her head, she walked over to her mother and grabbed her arm. Her mother glanced down at her with an unknown expression, then apparated.

They landed in an alley near the station and Aquila let go of her mothers arm. Her mother turned to her, "I won't be escorting you to the train this year, I have to run to work. Have a great year, don't forget to send me an owl if anything happens. Please be safe this year Aquila, you never know what will happen." She put her hands on her daughters shoulders, and smiled at her. "Okay mother, I'll see you soon." Aquila answered, gazing up at her mother. "Goodbye Aquila, I love you." She responded, then apparated away.


Aquila had made it to station 9 3/4. She looked at the train, and sighed heavily. She walked in, and looked for an empty apartment in which she would not be bothered. Kids looked up at her as she passed their compartments, some looked in pity and some in disgust. Once she found one, she closed the door and sat down, putting her trunk away and getting her bag out. She grabbed her book and started reading.

The train was just about to leave when a knock interrupted her reading. She gazed up at the door as it opened, revealing a girl she enjoyed the presence of.

"Hello Aquila, may I sit? Everywhere else is full." Luna Lovegood asked in her dreamy voice. "Of course, you're always welcome here Luna." Aquila smiled at the girl. She was a year younger than Aquila, but Aquila thought of her no different cause of that. "Did you have a good summer A?" The dreamy girl asked, "The nargles finally left me alone for a bit." Aquila smiled at that, "Yes I did Luna, I did some more exploring in the city this summer." Aquila responded. Luna smiled and pulled out a book to read. They were left in silence, not awkward, but comfortable. That happened often. Aquila found herself always feeling comfortable and relaxed while in the the presence of the young girl.

Aquila picked her book back up and resumed reading, thinking of the year ahead of her. She couldn't help but wonder why everybody was acting off today. She hoped that this year would finally be normal.

Oh how wrong she was.


a,n; Thank you for reading, please comment if you find anything off about the chapter, it'll be greatly appreciated. Just as a PSA, Aquila has not found out about the escape of her father yet.

until next time.

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