00.3|| happiness.

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THE TWO GIRLS remained in that comfortable silence for almost the whole ride, almost.

About halfway through the ride, the train suddenly stopped, and everything got a few degrees colder. "We can't be there already," Aquila questioned her friend, "Why has the train stopped?" Different scenarios of what could be wrong were running at 100 miles per hour in her head. "We're only about half way there.. we seem to have stopped for a different reason." Luna responded, causing both the girls to sit up straight and clutch their wands which resided in their pockets.

They were both gazing out the window on the door to their compartment, worry filling both their heads as the train shook a bit. Aquila suddenly got up and peaked out the compartment. To her left she saw the infamous Harry Potter gazing out his compartment as well. As soon as they locked eyes, the train shook, causing both of them to fall back into their compartments. She fell on the floor and looked up, locking eyes with Luna. Terror and fear was shown clearly in both the young girls eyes.

The door of the compartment slammed shut, causing both of them to flinch and snap their heads towards the door. "Did we go off the tracks?" Luna asked, not really expecting an answer as both of them didn't know it. Suddenly, the lights flickered. Off, then on the next 10 seconds. Aquila got up off the floor and dusted herself off, gazing up at the lights. The train had stopped moving completely. Just then, the lights went out completely. Aquila sat back down and snapped her head towards the window.

"Someones coming."

Aquila's face slacked as she spoke those words, the only way to tell she was feeling any emotions was through her eyes. It was always her eyes. Shake. Bang. The train became freezing cold, the two girls breaths becoming visible to their eyes. Breathing becoming the only noise in the room, until the frost started spreading on the window. Aquila started rubbing her hands together in hope to create a bit of warmth. To her dismay, it failed. Bang. The train shook once more, then twice, then three times in a row. "Luna, be careful. Stay in your seat. Don't get hurt." Aquila ordered her blonde friend, not once looking at her. Instead, she was looking out the door.

They were quiet for a minute, or so. Aquila didn't really keep track of the time passing, her thoughts were too loud. She didn't feel anything. No emotions, no happiness. Nothing happened, until a bright white light was seen through the window, coming from the compartment next door.

Harry Potter's compartment.

As soon as the bright light went away, Aquila bolted up and went into the compartment next to hers. As soon as she got there, she saw Harry on the floor surrounded by his friends. Hermione, and Ron. She had talked to Hermione a few times during classes, and Ron once or twice. Harry on the other hand, she had talked to a few times, always joking around in Snape's class, or dropping witty comments whenever they could, causing the other to laugh. She also saw another man who'm she didn't recognize. He was wearing messed up robes, looking a bit ripped in places. She wasn't one to judge though.

When he saw her though, his eyes widened, knowing exactly who she was. She was the exact replica of him, yet taken form in a young girl. The only thing different being her eyes. He quickly recovered, closing his mouth which had dropped open in shock. Aquila had stopped looking at the strange man, adverting her eyes back down to Harry. She sat next to his unconscious body, checking his pulse. His heart was racing, but he was okay. She stayed in that position until he awoke, which he did so only a minute later.

"Aquila?" Were the first words out of the boys mouth. She gave him a soft smile, "Hey Harry, how are you feeling?" He grabbed his glasses from Hermione with a small and quiet thank you, "Like I just passed out." He responded to her, which caused her to smile. Her mind went quiet for a minute, all her thoughts slowing down finally. He sat up, and she sat next to him. "Here, eat this. It'll help." Said the man which Aquila assumed to be a professor. Something about him was setting bells off in Aquila's head, but she chose to ignore it. He handed Harry a piece of chocolate and reassured him after his worried expression, "It's alright, its chocolate." Harry sat up completely and looked at the man, before looking at Aquila once more.

"What was that thing?" Harry asked, obviously scared out of his mind. Aquila looked towards the professor, not knowing the answer to his question herself. This caused Harry to look at him too. "That was a Dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now," As soon as the prison name was brought up, alarms started going off in Aquila's head. What the hell were the guards of Azkaban doing on the train? "It was searching the train for Sirius Black." The mans eyes wandered back to Aquila's face, searching and looking for her reaction, as did everyones eyes.

It was common knowledge that Aquila's father was Sirius Black, she had gotten bullied for it all throughout first year, and some of second. Aquila's eyes went wide. Her breathing picked up a bit, her eyes darted to the floor. And once again, her mind was back on the highway of thought, each thought running at 100 miles per hour. She had been so focused she didn't notice the professor leave, actually, she didn't even come back to reality until Hermione was shaking her shoulders asking if she was okay. Tears were clouded in her eyes, threatening to fall.

"Sirius Black? Wh-... Why are they looking for Sirius Black? He's in Azkaban, he's not here. He can't get to us, he's in Azkaban. He's locked away. Why would they be searching the train for him?" The words fell out of Aquila's mouth like word vomit. She couldn't find an explanation in her head as to why the Dementors were searching for the man she once called her father. The three other kids in the compartment met each others eyes, secretly daring each other to say something. Hermione was the first to speak up,

"Aquila, haven't you heard? He's escaped. He's on the run.

"Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban."


Aquila had a million and a half alarms going off in her head. She was numb. It was like she wasn't even in control of her body. She didn't even realize when she thanked the trio quietly, and got up and trudged back to her and Luna's compartment. When she got there though, she noticed Luna hadn't been there. Merely a note saying she had gone to Neville Longbottom's compartment, assuming Aquila would want to be alone. Aquila locked the compartment and pulled the blinds down. Tears were cascading down her face like waterfalls, one falling directly after the other. Her mouth was quivering, and she was panicking. She pulled her hands up to her head and grabbed onto her hair, pulling at it.

Sobs were coming out of her mouth and she was pacing around. Her throat was closing up. Thoughts were running through her head. Why did he escape? Where was he now? How did he escape? Would he go to Hogwarts? Would he try and contact her? Did he even remember her? Why did he escape? Escape. Why? Why? Why?

She slowly sat down in a seat and put her head in her hands. She was calming down. He wasn't going to come near her. He was most likely going to hide out. She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down. The whites of Aquila's eyes had gone pink, and her long dark eyelashes were wet. Her mind was easing down. Just like that, the train was back on its way to Hogwarts. Once again, Aquila picked her book back up and continued reading, trying to distract herself. The only indication something was ever wrong, was her faintly pink eyes. Other than that, her usual emotionless facade was back on her face. She wanted this to be a normal year,

but is there ever a normal year at Hogwarts?


a,n; sorry for this chapter being so dramatic, I just thought I would give you guys some insight on how Aquila feels about her father.

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