♰A Normal Day♰

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9:30 pm

Location: Cafeteria; SKELD

☥   It was a normal day on the ship. Groups of two or three filled the cafeteria tables, the center-left untouched. The crew had always wondered why they were forbidden to sit there and more importantly why a button on the middle labeling 'emergency' resting on both ends of the table. Some believed it had to do with important, like if there were problems with the ship or something but, the other few knew it had to do more than that. 

    Nevaeh Foster is one of those few, she had always been wondering what it causes it to be there. She let them slide though, knowing she couldn't do anything to prove her suggestions. So, there she was, sitting between her comrades, chatting away. She couldn't keep her eyes away from that damned button. It had her wonder why would the ship need something like when they could be alerted if something malfunctioned. Her friends couldn't help but notice her quiet state. The brunette next to her, Leah Tyler, a woman close to her mid-twenties. She had a beautiful persona that goes along beautifully with her looks. She's still surprised, that she's single and more to have someone above her standards as someone she holds close to call 'friend'.

    Her round face, that goes with her heart-shaped lips, and with her wide, curious hazel eyes. Straight blonde hair just going over half her back, that was put up into a ponytail. Waving her hand in front of the girl's face, getting her attention. The girl averted her eyes from the button to her friend. 

              "Yes?" replied the Blackett girl, looking at her straight in the eyes. "We were trying to get your attention but, seems you're more interested in that button." She says, a soft chuckle escaping her lips making the raven-haired girl form an 'o' shape with her own. She averts her gaze to scan the rest of the room. Everyone was chatting among themselves, minding their own business.

     Not caring bout nothing else but their own telling. As she shifts her gaze, she was found with a pair of green orbs meeting her own blue ones. It was then, that she felt something course throughout her body. She couldn't look away, no matter how much she wanted. Once she found the willpower to look away, she felt her cheeks warm up. Cursing at herself for having been flustered by just a simple look.

   "Nevaeh~," a voice said, while the girl felt something poke her cheek. While turning her head to face the owner of the voice, their pointer finger poked at her lips. They really weren't expecting the raven-haired girl to turn to them right away. Both of them fell stiff, none daring to move. Stifled laughter was heard beside them. They turn their heads to see the woman, small indications of laughs leaving her lips. "You guys should've seen your faces," She says in-between laughs, wheezing to some extent. "Kai, I never knew you'd be that type of guy" Leah continues a playful smirk traced her lips. Kai was quick for his defense "It's nothing like that! I wasn't expecting her to turn her attention over to me so quickly! Seeing as shes's always in her own mindset." mumbling the last part. "Well, of course, she would turn to you, you were poking her."

   The smaller of their three-friend group got up from her seat. "You leaving?" Asked Kai, his brown eyes looking at her. His freckles going along with his looks and his red curly hair. He had good looks but they weren't the attractive, hot, day-dream looks. They were more on the adorable, cute look. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired and I need to make sure Jenny didn't make a mess of the room, ya know?"  Nevaeh replied. "Night" was all she said, turning to a hall that led to all crews room. 

10:45 pm

Dorm: 412

        "Nevaeh?" a small voice whispered out to the older girl. "Hm?" she hummed out. "I can't sleep.." the small girl said. With that Nevaeh sat up straight, leaning on her arms. "Come" signaling with her hand for the young girl to come over. The small child sat up, her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. Getting off it completely, making her way over to her older sister's side of the room they shared.  Nevaeh put her hands under the girl's armpits, lifting her onto the bed. Once the girl was placed next to her, resting her hand on the top of her head. This is something the older girl would do, a silent gesture of reassurance that the young girl understood clearly. Both laying down on the bed trying to get comfortable. 

     After fifteen minutes the 7-year-old was able to go to close her eyes. 'It must've gotten her good if she stayed up for fifteen minutes' thought the girl.  Kissing the girl's forehead, she herself drifted to a land dream and nightmares. Little did anyone know, that what tomorrow had in store for them was just beginning. ☥

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