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Later in the afternoon, Manasa and RK were busy on sets. Manasa wanted to go to a boutique near to her maternal home, to fetch heroine's costume. She tried to call her dad once again , but went unanswered.  Since past three days, she has never talked to her parents even for once. This was making her weak.

RK was studying script for the next shot. Manasa approached him.

"Yes Mrs.", He responded without taking eyes from the script.

M: "I am going out for some work."

RK: "Where"

M: "Elegant Boutique, to take heroine's costume. "

He took eyes from the script for a moment and returned back.
"Hmm. Fine. You may go. "

She turned back to leave.


Manasa stopped her way and turned back.

"Your home is near to the boutique right. I think you should visit them. "

She was surprised. Never she thought he would ask her to go meet her parents.

"Infact, I will come to take you back home. I have heard that after marriage, newly weds visit bride's house."

"RK.. are you... Are you serious..?"

"Why. Don't you want to go home. Anyways, you were hell bent on being my beloved wife since morning. So I must do something too.
   Do one thing. Take someone else with you. So that the costume reaches here on time."

She smiled and nodded. RK looked at her retiring figure till she vanished from sight.


Manasa took a girl from her team and bought the costumes. She let the girl leave to studio and found herself on the way to her home.

Whatever I did till date was for my family, for my parents. Then why.. why today nobody is on my side. Why they are ignoring me.
  They must be angry. Every parent wants to conduct their daughter's wedding in the most grand way they could afford. But here, every thing happened opposite. They have the right to be sad, to be angry.
  But I am I responsible for all these. I was just being trapped by the destiny. Then why this angst with me.

Walking through the road absent minded, she banged to someone.
"Oops... Sorry.."
She picked up the cover from the ground and extended to the elderly man.

"Excuse me.." , She recognized the face within a second . "You... You were the one who came RK Mansion yesterday right.. ".
Even though she saw him only once , for a couple of minutes, she could familiarise him. Afterall he was the one who caused so much uncomfortabilty to her new family; especially her husband.

The man nodded with a smile.
"Yes Manasa . It was me. "

"But.. but who are you..."

He smiled lightly. He was not surprised to find the famiy has not given her any information about him. "My name is Ram Kumar.  I am..  I am a close relative of Rishab."


"I know. You mustn't know me. Nothing will be told about me by Rishab. It's okay. It's okay. He will tell you about me when the right time comes. Until then, do take care of him. And the family too.
    Yes he is arrogant, rude, egoistic ; but daughter, he is a gem inside. Very good at heart. You will get to know it soon. Please don't hate him."

He left blessing her once again.

This is the same thing Anjali akka told me that day. How this uncle knows so much about him.

She continued to walk thinking about it over and over, until she reached the gate of her house. She reluctantly walked inside and rang the doorbell.
As expected, her mother opened the door.

Madhu didn't expected her daughter at the door. Her eyes welled up .


"Manu..", an emotional hug. A moment of love of mother and daughter . A moment of reunion.
"Come inside. "

She stepped in. She saw her home once again. Even it was just three days, she felt retuning home after ages.

How much my life has changed in three days .

"Where is Rishab ? Didn't he come ?"

Manasa nodded as no.
"Maybe he will come to pick me up. "

"Fine. I will get you some tea. "

"Mumma"., Manasa held her wrist. "Why don't you answered my calls. Do you know how much worried I was "

Madhu looked her confused.
"Rishabh didn't tell you anything? "

"About what Mumma..?"

"Didn't he send you here ?"

"Ya.. I mean. I had some work somewhere near. So RK told me to give a visit. "

Madhu understood, RK hasn't told her anything. She held Manasa's hand and took her to their room .
Arnab was laying on bed, rather weak.

"Papa...?? What happened to him. ", Manasa ran towards her father. He recognized his daughter's presence  and woke up from the nap. He gently touched on her cheeks which was already wet by tears.

"That day, after your marriage.." , Madhu spoke. ".... Arnab was so worried about you. He was sad and heartbroken as you weren't happy with this relation. He even told me to bring you back home that night.
       Maybe because of so much tension and stress, late night he experienced a  mild heart attack."


"Yes Manu. I didn't knew what to do. I tried your phone several times. But it went answered. Finally on my last try, your phone was answered. But it wasn't you. It was him. Rishabh. "

Manasa tried to recollect that night. She remembered keeping her phone over the bed, when RK dragged her to the pool area. And later she fell asleep there.

"Within five minutes, he came here and took your Papa to hospital. He did all the necessary arrangements . It was only after the doctor assured Arnab is out of danger , he left the hospital, and made Salem stay back.
The only thing he asked me to do was , hide this news from you. You were already going through alot and he didn't wanted to add your misery. That's why I didn't picked up your phone.
    Also Rishab told me, he will bring you here once Arnab is discharged from hospital. Actually we came home  before an hour."

Manasa couldn't believe her ears. She couldn't figure out what was happening around her. All her life, she wanted to be the protective shield for her parents. And today, when they needed her the most, she wasn't present.
Infact it was him, the one who she thought to be the villain of her life turned to be the hero for her family.
She was glad that her father was recovering fast. But the same time sad that she couldn't help.

But again RK...

What are you RK

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What are you RK... Hero or Villain..

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