The Continuation

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Flashback 4 Years Ago

(nayeon's second year at Harvard Business School)

nayeon was in her second year to Harvard already and one more year she'll finally graduate from business school thanks to jeongyeon, her relationship with jeongyeon has become more fond and genuine. Soon after, they'll celebrate their 1st year anniversary together but jeongyeon never failed to be in touch with her, so as nayeon. but little did she know something terrible will be happening that day.

nayeon was making her way to her dorm as her last subject was finally finished, but on her way back a strange figure was standing on the front of the door of her dorm. she squinted her eyes to see who it is and stopped from her tracks, the figure turned to look at her and slowly walked towards her.

Nayeon couldn't do anything, that she even remained still where she was, her breathing went heavy as her heart pounds so hard, she was nervous and scared at the same time. It was like in the movies where the lead character dies, nayeon closed her eyes then someone spoked up behind her ear, sending chills all over her body.

"don't create any loud noise or even a scene if you don't want to get harm" it sounded like a madman, it sounded more like an american.

Nayeon nodded and had no other choice but to go with the one behind her when she felt something sharp on her back, she knew it was her time. This is something serious and dangerous, she needs to be rescued.

"walk! now go to the room of requirement" the man commanded and nayeon unhesitatingly obeyed

Nayeon walked where the room of requirement was, together with the man pointing something sharp on her back. She knew if she fought back, she'll be in grave danger - or worst, dead.

Nayeon arrived to the Harvard's room of requirement with two tall figure waiting for her, she was welcomed by a lot of men in suit. She stopped from her tracks because she knew, this was something else already. This is not a joke. But then, the man behind her pressed the sharp point of the swiss knife on her back, that made her frightened for her life.

The man behind her pushed her in causing her to bump into the two people waiting for her, the man then pulled her by the shoulder and forced her to sat down.

The two people waiting for her stepped into the light, making nayeon's eyes to widen. She wasn't expecting this to happen, she thought everything would be fine if she's not going to be involve with those matters.


Jeongyeon arrived to states with his private plane and was dialing nayeon's phone, but nayeon left it in her dorm. She always leaves it there because she gets easily distracted by phone in her class, she badly needs to stay focused to remain the class top students.

Jeongyeoj visits nayeon twice a month to states depending on his schedules, nayeon had no problems with it since jeongyeon has the privelege and freedom to do whatever he wants. Nayeon lets him be, she also wants it.

"Mr. Yoo, the car is waiting for you" one of the body guards informed as jeongyeon dials nayeon's phone number

Every woman turned their head as jeongyeon passes by them, you couldn't deny that jeongyeon was indeed good looking especially when his bangs waxed up, showing off his well-trimmed hairline include that he even wears expensive suit and sunglasses.

Jeongyeon walked out the airport like a celebrity with alot of women turning their head to this buff-korean billionaire, surrounded by a lot body guards.

"tsk, why on earth she isn't answering my call?" jeongyeon irritably cursed as he hops in the luxurious mclaren sports car waiting for him


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