Disgust & Pain

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4 years ago

(the next day after jeongyeon's sent the unbelievable video)

Third Person•

Jeongyeon woke up with a head ache and found himself messed up from alcohol, he just wished that nayeon was around so that someone would be taking care of him. There's no day where he didn't missed nayeon, he always miss her and even he flies to states to meet her it, wasn't enough- nayeon being around 24/7 still hits differently.

He went up to the bathroom to clean and freshen up as he still smells liquor. Little did he know something devastating and frustrating will come, something he didn't planned to do.

Not long after he went out of the bathroom and greet nayeon a good morning, but soon as he opens his inbox he was blocked and what made him more surprised is what sent.

He collapse so as his world, suddenly, his heart stopped beating for a second and of course felt his chest tightening and found himself lost.

He just cheated the woman he loves the most.

He tightly gripped his hair and threw the phone and broke down, he didn't know, he has no idea what happened last night. He was dead-drunk and wasn't conscious about what's happening, clearly it was a reasonable excuse.

But the thing is, he promised.

He promised to remain faithful even if nayeon gave him the freedom to have an activity to other women while she's away.

Jeongyeon disgusts himself for being a cheater and an irresponsible man, somehow the thought that he has for himself of being a "changed man" quickly fade away.

He was still the same jeongyeon after all, but thats what he thought.

Little did he know everything was a set up, he was indeed a changed man. He's a wonderful man with his words, its just that someone insecure with nayeon is ruining their close to perfection relationship.


Mrs. Im was currently fixing all the documents of the restaurant and the house to surrender it to jeongyeon when she suddenly heard the door was harshly opened, she turned to see and saw a messed up jeongyeon. He looks desperate.

Mrs. Im knew everything. Nayeon was the who told her mom to surrender everything about jeongyeon.

"eomma! P-please let me talk to nayeon" jeongyeon collapse to his knees and begged to Mrs. Im feet

"jeongyeon-ah..." Mrs. Im sigh as she was hurt for what happened to the two, but nayeon is her daughter.

"i didn't cheated.... Please let me talk to her, i can't lose her eomma" Jeongyeon begged and cried everything out, he was telling the truth but Mrs. Im cannot let her daughter be betrayed just like that.

Mrs. Im took the documents and knelt down with jeongyeon, but soon as she got down she saw how hurting jeongyeon was. He was guilty of something but it seems that he was sorry for something not he did.

She then handed the envelope and said

"she doesn't want to anymore, even if i wanted to.. Nayeon is hurt" Mrs. Im told and guided jeongyeon to hold the envelope

But jeongyeon shook his head, he doesn't wanna accept the papers he don't wanna involve nayeon's parents with their issue.

He cried more when Mrs. Im handed the property title of the house and the car he gave them

"we'll leaving soon don't worry" Mrs. Im added and tried not to crack her voice

"i was d-drunk please believe me... Let me talk to her" jeongyeon cryingly begged and held on to Mrs. Im's ankle

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