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(My OC looks like Chloe Moretz- Picture on the side/top depending on your device. Ignore her gold eyes, I was taking forever to find this picture and unfortunately someone had edited it, so please just pretend that she's got blue eyes xD)

[Third Person]

Penryn sighed, music blasting in her ears from a small IPod as she sat on a bench in a small lab, writing notes and staring at two separate flasks filled with a boiling-hot solvent in the form of steam, and luke-warm solid.
She was a small girl, with medium-length blonde hair and bright blue eyes, covered by safety goggles. Her pink bow-lips were covered by a mask, and she was wearing a white lab coat with the words 'A Scientist is always fine' embroided in a dull purple thread on the left pocket.
It was quite late at night, and she was beginning to doze off when her phone started to ring, pulling Penryn out of her daze.
She ripped her phone out of her pocket, almost spilling the solvent in the process. She pulled the headphones off, the music leaving her ears within a heart-beat.
"Shit!" Penryn exclaimed, pressing the green button on her small Nokia phone, "This is Penryn speaking."

"Hey Ryn-Ryn, it's Elly, where are you?" Her friend's voice came through the speaker.
Penryn looked around the pristine room, there was a large white-board above a cold desk, with rows of desks that looked exactly the same running down the room. Her eyes darted to the door, where the name of the laboratory was written above it in fake gold.

"Manningfield lab, why?" Penryn replied, confused.

"It's twelve thirty!" Elly yelled, "I'm locking up for the night, but if you don't come back in the next twenty minutes then you're gonna find it hard to get back in."

Penryn rolled her eyes, "El, I have the spare keys. I'm finishing up with this experiment so let me clean it all up and I'll go back when I can."

"Be careful! You don't want to spill any of it!" She laughed, "You might turn into the Hulk!"

"Firstly, I think that was because of Gamma Radiation, secondly, the Hulk and the rest of those superheroes were only ever important in 2012, it's been two years, let it go. Thirdly, if I spill the gas on me I'd probably burn, you know why I've got that stupid 'A scientist is always fine' lab coat you gave me? And why I've got safety goggles and a mask on? Because that way I'm less likely to burn or get hurt by the fumes!"

"Woah, woah. That stupid lab coat I gave you was because I found it so cool that Joseph Fink made lab coats out of perfect Carlos's amazing quote. Alright? It was funny." (A/N: Basically, Joseph Fink is the creator of Welcome To Nightvale, a podcast where there's a scientist called Carlos who, in episode 40 something, said 'I'm not a hero. I'm a scientist, and a scientist is always fine' or something like that. c:)

"Right... I'll call you if I run into any trouble, alright?" Penryn frowned.

"Alright," She could almost hear the stupid grin Elly had, "I won't lock the doors until you get back, be safe, okay?"

Rolling her eyes again, Penryn didn't even bother to reply as she hung up, writing the finishing touches of her experiment and getting up to get rid of the solvent and solid. She clasped both flasks in her hands, too tired to look where she was going.
Penryn didn't notice that her satchel was still on the ground, her two notebooks spilling out of it until it was too late. She tripped, falling over and dropping the two flasks on the metal floor in the process, smashing them and releasing the fumes. On her way down, she hit her head on the chair, bumping off the mask, so it was hanging on her chin. As she hit the floor, she was knocked unconscious, the fumes dancing around her like they were playing some twisted game.

Okay, that was chapter 2, technically chapter one but I screwed up with the titles and I'm too lazy to change everything xD
I hope you enjoyed :) Constructive criticism, votes, comments, etc, are all greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading!

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