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"Mum... Just listen, okay? I made a mistake, I tripped and fell and now I'm in Hospital. I'm not going to die, the doctors already gave me a CAT scan and I have no serious brain trauma. You really don't need to pull me out, if you do then I'll never get a job!" I half-yelled, staring at my mum and dad angrily.

"Your mother's right, Penryn. You aren't our daughter, and we let you keep your last name, and we've housed you and fed you and loved you for a long time. We need to keep you safe, but we can't do that unless you either decide to do something less risky, or if we pull you out of school all together!" My dad yelled back. He was a tall man, with jet-black hair and brown eyes. He was around forty five, maybe fifty, and it was visible in the wrinkles he had.

"Dad, if I pass exams in my last year, I could get an amazing job. I will never have to worry about money, or where I'll live. Just let me get through these two years, please!" My voice cracked in the middle of the last sentence, tears forming around my eyes.

"We cannot let you stay! You've already been hurt, and now you have an unknown substance in your blood-system and we don't even know how to treat it! You could develop cancer or a disease! And all because of your carelessness, you were being stupid, Penryn, this is your fault!" Yelled mum, anger brewing in her amber eyes. She was a tall lady as well, with amber eyes and frizzy blonde hair.

"I KNOW!" I screamed, "BUT GUESS WHAT? I HAVEN'T GROWN A SECOND HEAD, I WILL BE FINE!" I shot my arm out, trying to land a hit on my bed, but as it landed, bright red flames shot out of my palm, burning the sheets and scaring my parents, the other patients in the room, and I.
We stared at the still burning linen for what felt like an eternity, before I looked up to my family.
"I'm sorry," I felt hot tears stream on my face, "I'm sorry..."
And I ripped out the IV, running out of the room. I wanted to be invisible, I wanted a hole to open up and swallow me whole, but that was all impossible, so I continued to run without stopping, out of the hospital and onto the street.
As I was running no one tried to stop me, as if they couldn't see me.

The first thing I did, before I even thought about where I was going to go, was run back to my dorm.
I threw open the door, knowing Elly was still in class and would be for the next hour, and walked through Elly's gray bedroom and our kitchen, and into my room, which was made up of sheets that kept it separate to the kitchen. It was mostly white, to keep it different to Elly's room, with a white desk and bed. I fell to the wooden floor, scrambling under my bed to find my rather large duffle bag. When I grabbed a hold of its green strap, I pulled it out and opened my small closet, throwing my small amount of clothes and jumpers into the bag. I shoved in my other spare pair of shoes, my computer, Nokia, and IPod Nano charger went beside it, along with the gadgets themselves. I ripped a picture of Elly and I off my wall, carefully placing it into the bag as well.
I decided to ditch my homework and text books, but I ran to the bathroom to stash all my sanitary products, including brush, makeup and tooth-brush and paste. 
I then jogged back to the kitchen, where I collected our endless supply of canned goods and energy bars, and of course bottled water. I zipped up the over-loading duffle bag, dropping it on the kitchen bench as I searched for a pen and pad of paper.
When I did, I started to write.

Dear Elly,
I'm so sorry, but I had to run away. My parents want to pull me out of school, so I got angry and burned the hospital-bed somehow. 
I'm a freak, L, so I've got to leave. You know my phone number, so if you want to know more you can call me. I'll try to reply, but no guarantee.
I've taken all my belongings, except for small things like my mirror and candles and pictures, and I've taken my half of the toiletries and the majority of energy bars, canned soups and water bottles. 
I'll miss you so, so much. Thank you so much for everything, I hope that we'll be able to meet up again some day. Stay safe.
From Penryn.

I then went back to my room, grabbing my orange Penny-Board from the side of my bed, went back to the kitchen where I took my duffle bag, and left.

That was chapter four! I hope you enjoyed it xD
I'm sorry that my OC, Penryn, is waaaaay too over-dramatic. I've tried to make her as dramatic as I can, because I'm a bad writer and eh.
The picture of Penryn's room is on the side/top, depending on your device, and I found it on google. I didn't take the picture, I don't know who did, so yeah.

Comments, votes, constructive criticism, etc, are all really appreciated!
Bye! :)

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