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He is not sure why he feels embarrassed. He's not sure why Riker's all knowing smug grin makes him want to curl his fist and wipe it off his face. He's not sure why the blood has rushed to his face or why he fervently hopes no one has noticed his anxiety.

But he does.

A cool hand brushes his back and he can't help but freeze.

"Talk of the devil," Riker drawls and Chakotay grinds his teeth.

He turns to the figure who has moved beside him, the hand that brushed his back slipping in to his. His hand feels clammy in hers, he looks at her for a moment, then back to Riker. He knows that she can read his bio signals. She'll know that his pulse and respiration have increased. She'll see the slight increase in his temperature. He hopes, he fervently hopes that she'll put it down to his attraction to her. The soft smile she gives him reassures him that she does. He turns back to Riker.

"Seven. This is Commander Riker, from the Enterprise."


It had been a long time since he stood on the balcony at Archer Hall. All those years ago the excitement had coursed through him, being in the presence of Admiral Spock had blown his mind. He had felt comfortable in the Starfleet uniform he wore, felt proud of his achievements. It was hard to reconcile the boy he was then with the man he was now.

He looked down at the new dress uniform he had been provided with at the end of the last debriefing. Kathryn had raised her eyebrows at the new design at the time and had slyly attempted to ask Admiral Paris if they could wear their old style uniforms instead as a tribute. Paris, with a smirk reminiscent of his son's had said the pain should be shared.

It had been a whirlwind since their return to earth, debriefings, counselling sessions, reunions and memorials. They had all served to ensure that his feet had not touched the ground. The ball was meant to be a chance to unwind, spend some time with his voyager family, and meet the loved ones that he had heard so much about. He was grateful that Starfleet had given them the opportunity. It wouldn't be long before new orders would lead the people who had been his family these past few years off to pastures new. He wanted to savour the opportunity to be with them one last evening.

"You just missed Seven and the Doctor doing the tango. It was a sight to behold."

He turned at Kathryn's voice, surprised he hadn't heard her approach.

"I saw them practicing earlier, could be a new career opportunity for them both," Chakotay grinned at her. He ruefully noted that she carried the horrendous new uniform much better than he did.

"Heavens preserve us. Although if it stops him writing novels maybe it's a good thing?" He laughed lightly and she stepped closer beside him to look at the view.

"Have you enjoyed your evening?" Chakotay asked, noticing the slight blush to her cheeks that indicated the new admiral had indeed enjoyed herself.

"It's been fabulous hasn't it? Now the debriefings are out the way and the memorials, it's been a great opportunity for everyone to let their hair down. Particularly as this might be the last time in a while for us all to be together."

Chakotay nodded, "Tom's been talking about a monthly get together for anyone who is planet side. Help everyone keep in touch."

"Yes we spoke about it last night. We thought Sandrines would be a good venue. The real one this time."

Chakotay raised his eyes at the 'last night', "Were you at Tom and B'Elanna's for dinner?"

Kathryn nodded not noticing his surprise, "Yes it was a shame you couldn't make it. I heard Seven enjoyed meeting her relatives?"

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