Gwuncan rant.

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Lets get this straight, I do like Gwen, but I hated her in world tour, Duncan as well.

1. The relationship was built of off lies and cheating, if you ask me that isn't a cute relationship to begin with.

2. They didn't have any actual scenes with CHEMISTRY. In my opinion, the only time they had chemistry was in action and even then it wasn't enough for a relationship.

3. They were similar but not right for each other. It was boring relationship, not wholesome, not entertaining, not funny.

4. There was no actual buildup, just a friendship with some tension.

And lastly 5. I really just don't see the connection, it seemed like Gwen just liked Duncan as a rebound for Trent and Duncan only stayed with Gwen because he knew he messed the hell up. Just a head canon that might be canon.

~And that is why I dislike gw*ncan~

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