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We finally made it to the beach after 2 annoying hours of constant bickering.

"Uh where should we change?"you asked

"Follow me y/n I'll show you where you can change."Hot Pants said.

Hot pants showed you where to change then she went to her changing changed into your one piece (or bikini)
You made your way to the beach and you saw Gyro sitting by johnny.

"Gyro did you change?"you asked.

"Yea but I just put my shirt back on I dont think I'll swim."Gyro replied.

"Ah ok."you said.

"Y/n are you gonna swim?"questioned Johnny.

"Probaly, I like swimming."you replied.

"Hey y/n do you need a hair tie,so you wont get ur hair wet."asked Hot pants.

"I'm good even if put my hair in a ponytail its gonna get wet."you replied as you made your way to the water.

You put your foot in the water wich was cold as fuck.

"Is it cold y/n?"Diego asked while he made his way over to you.

"Yea it's really cold."you replied.

"Why cant it eve-"Diego suddenly jumped

Gyro shot water at Diegos back with a water gun.


"Yea I know dumbass why do you think I shot you with my water gun?"Gyro said.

"Asshole."Diego mumbled.

While we were swimming I looked back to look where Johnny and Gyro were.

I only saw Johnny sitting there...

I all of a sudden felt something grab my foot,I leaped towards Diego for help.

"Woah what's wrong y/n?"Diego asked.


All of a sudden Gyro came out of the water.

"Hahaha it was me, y/n did I scare you?"Gyro teased.

"You jerk I thought you said you werent gonna swim?"you said.

"Yea but I thought it would be funny to scare you."claimed Gyro.

Then it all of a sudden felt akward as fuck...

"You can let go of me now diego."you said.

"Uhh...fuck sorry."Diego said.

Diego let you go finally.

"I'll be right back I have to get something."Diego said.

You and Gyro looked at eachother confused while Diego swam to shore.

Diego came swimming back but with something underwater.

Diego sprayed Gyro in the face with the water gun.

"Fuck my eyes!"Gyro cried while covering his face.

Diego smiled at you and gave you a mini water gun,you grabbed it but shot it at him instead.

"What the fuck y/n shoot at Gyro."Diego yelled.

"Haha fuck yea y/ns on my side!"Gyro said.

You smiled  in response and gave the gun to Gyro.

"Haha go ask johnny for more so we can have a water gun fight!"Gyro said.

You swam over to Johnny and asked for more water guns.

Johnny just stared at you like he was disspointed,he sighed and gave you the other water gun.

"What a bunch of 12 year olds."Johnny said

You laughed and swam your way over to Gyro and Johnny.

The water fight lasted for 30 mins until Diego actually was getting pissed that you were taking Gyros side in this fight.

"Cmon this isnt fair anymore!"Diego cried.

"Haha your just jealous that y/n is on my side."Gyro said.

Diego sprayed Gyro in the eyes.

"Dude stop aiming for the eyes you asshole!"Gyro yelled.

Gyro sprayed him back in the eyes.

You looked up to the sky while they were fighting.It started to sprinkle then slowly turned into rain.

"Hey guys it's raining should we go back to the car?"you asked.

But they were yelling over you,so you looked at Johnny and Hotpants and they were packing up.

"HEY!"you yelled.

Which caught there attention.

"Let's go back to the car, Johnny and Hotpants are packing up."you told them.

"Why?"they both asked.

Are they idiots!?

"Its raining guys"you said while pointing up to the sky.

"Oh ok, yea let's go."Gyro said

By the time you all got changed and got into the car it was storming.

"Holy shit I cant even see!"said Gyro.

"We should stop somewhere it's looking really bad."suggested Johnny.

"Yea I just looked on my phone and it said its gonna storm the rest of the day."Hot pants said.

"Ok nearest Hotel it is!"Gyro said.

Part 7 X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now