Chapter 2 'A fork in the road'

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It was late night, Jessi had been driving for 6 hours and was approching the border of New South Wales, his two companions awake, Taylor was still crying, and sharla was counting the supply's, behind them was a sudden rumble, a giant cloud of fire rose behind them, from what Jessi assumed was Melbourne, the governments plan must have been to kill all the infected with a bomb, wich Jessi assumed also included human casualtys, the three of them knew Australia, or for that matter, the world was in a bad shape, and it was a while before anything goes back to Normal.

As the sun rose, Jessi looked at the fuel gadge, the car was out of fuel. "Shit" Jessi shouted. This woke up Sharla, "what's up?" Sharla asked rubbing her eyes. "We're running on fumes, do you have you're phone?" Jessi asked. "Yeah, why" Sharla replied. "is there a fuel station nearby?" Jessi continued. Two minutes later Sharla replied "turn right at the intersection ahead, and it should be 4km down the road". Jessi turned right and continued down the road.

As the engine started to stall Jessi pulled into the station, "ok Sharla, you fuel up, and I'll go look for supply's inside" Jessi said. "Okay, what about taylor?" Sharla asked. "She needs her sleep, we've all had a rough day, but she's had the worst" Jessi mentioned, Sharla knew that was fair and began to fuel the 4wd, meanwhile Jessi walked into the servo, unprepared, Jessi spotted a zombie, and it spotted him. It shambled strait for him, another emerged from the bathroom beside him, the door pushing Jessi over, he crawled away as fast as he could, and dived over the counter, the two undead right behind him, he was trapped, Jessi saw under the counter a baseball bat, he grabbed it as fast as he could and hammered the first undead, blood exploding everywhere the body fell on the ground, but the second one was on top of him, Jessi using all his strength pushed the zombie's head away as it snapped trying to tear at his flesh, but it was to strong, Jessi accepted his fate...

Just as he was being over powered the zombie was knocked to the ground by a round house kick from taylor, she than finished the zombie off my dropping a shelf on its head, blood splattered the floor with a satisfying sound. "You okay Jessi?" Taylor asked lowering her and to help Jessi up. "Just swell" Jessi replied wiping the blood off his face and picking up a bat, "sharla has finished fuelling the car, so we should grab some food and water and get out of here".

The two emerged from the servo, arms full of food and soft drink, taylor put the food and drinks in the back of the car. "Who's blood is that on you Jessi?" Sharla asked worried. "Not mine thankfully, Taylor saved my ass" Jessi admitted. The three got back in the car, Sharla drove and Jessi was in passenger, as they left Jessi dosed off to sleep.

Jessi woke up to a sudden jolt of the car, it was 12:00 in the day, his two companions looking out the front window, a giant build up of ruined and burned cars scattered the road, blood everywhere. it was a gruesome scene of a mass accident. "What do we do?" sharla asked taylor. "Umm" Taylor paused. "Well I think we have three options, 1. Try and drive through, which we might end up stuck in the tangle of cars, or 2. Clear a path through, but can be dangourous if any undead are in there, and it will take a few hours, or we could back track" Jessi brainstormed. "Maybe we could go back?" Sharla asked. "I didn't see a turn off or another road for 3 hours" Taylor replied, "we could drive through?" Taylor adds. "No we can't do that because we don't know what's on the other side so there's only one option, who's staying with the car?" Jessi says. "Dibs looking after the car" shouts sharla, "well you have my number shar I'll call you if anything is serious" Jessi says. "That means you're with me taylor, let's go". Jessi and taylor both exit the car, they begin to make there way through the wreck.

An hour later Jessi and Taylor were covered In sweat, Taylor and Jessi both puked several times, looking at the gruesome scenery wasn't pleasant. Finally they both can see the end, there was a path cleared and Jessi text sharla. 'Path is cleared, see you in the other side'. "Uhh, Jessi" Taylor asks. Jessi looks away from his phone, "what's up ta... Sweet buttery Jesus". Both Taylor and Jessi stood in awe, a giant horde of undead are a hundred meters away luckily, they didn't see them, "quick under the cars" whispers to taylor, they both roll under a van, written on the side it says 'Daniels candy shop'. Foot steps and groans came closer and soon the undead were walking past them, "shit, sharla's still on her way through" Jessi whispers to taylor. "F***" Taylor adds. Jessi grabs his phone and texts sharla, typing as quite as he could, 'Sharla get the hell out of there, there's a horde of undead coming, run and hide!'.

A tense few Minutes, which felt like hours had past, still no reply from Sharla, finally the straglers of the horde had made there way past, Taylor and Jessi both got out from under the van, and began to slowly walk back, as quite as they could. There was a sudden growl from behind and a scream, a familiar scream "Jessi help!" Taylor shouted. Jessi heart felt like it was about to go out his chest, there's was a zombie that had Taylor pinned on a car, jessi reached for his gun and aimed the barrel at the zombie, he relised if he shot all the undead in a mile would come and they would be screwed, plus he couldn't risk the bullet going through and hitting Taylor.he ran up behind and wacked the zombie with the butt of the gun, and finished it by stomping in its head, blood and bits of brain everywhere, "oh god, are you ok Taylor!?, are you bit?!?!" Jessi asked. "No I'm fine, I sprained my arm though, but I'm fine, thanks a lot" Taylor replied. "Shit, we need to find Sharla, and be careful!" Jessi says. The two them slowly sprint toward where sharla was coming from.

Shortly afterward they come upon a grim sight, the 4wd's driver door open, Sharla's phone on the ground "Sharla where are you!?!" Jessi shouts, the only reply his echo "on the bright side we can't see Sharla which means she could have got away" Taylor says. "by the looks of it she went into the forest this way, let's go" Jessi says.

As the night set in, the two returned from the forest, just the two of them, "Sharla, she's gone, what do we do, I failed her" Jessi says, tears welling up in his eyes. "She still could be alive, here I looked at Google maps, there's a town near by, we can find somewhere to sleep for the night, wake up bright and early, than search the town" Taylor says, they both agree to the idea, Taylor and Jessi get in the car, continue driving and clear the road block, and drive onto open highway.

The 4wd pulled over, both of them spotted and nice clearing in the trees just a few meters away from the road, they followed a dirt track down and park led the car, they than locked it, just In case. Jessi grabs out two sleeping bag, leaving the other still in the boot, Sharla had also taken her backpack when she 'disappeared'. Taylor collected firewood and started a fire, Troy taught her this stuff when they went camping a few times, with the fire going, Taylor began to heat a can of food, Jessi set down the two sleeping bags. Than sat at the fire, both enjoying a decent meal, but it wasn't long lived, they still didn't know where Sharla was, the last of there hope was on finding her, Jessi stood night watch as taylor fell asleep, Jessi hearing Taylor's sleeping, also doses of asleep... Was Sharla alive? And will they find her? Only time could tell...

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