Chapter 1 'The Blood Is Redder On The Other Side'

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Jessi woke up to screams coming from his front yard, he crawled out of bed confused, he stretched his arms and yawned. Jessi walked down the hallway to his front window to see what the commotion was, there standing in his front yard was his neighbour brain, jessi hated Brian with a passion, not only was he always shouting at his wife, he also got drunk and pissed on his lawn, Jessi opened the window and shouted 'hey, Brian, what the f*** are you doing?' There was no reply, Brian turned around, his face covored in blood, eyes pale and wide open, he slowly limped toward Jessi, Jessi was terrified, he closed the window. Brian, or what ever he is now, was on his porch banging on his door, Jessi ran to his bedside table and grabbed his phone of his bed, he text his two best friends Sharla and Taylor 'Zombie apoch is happening, pick u 2 up at 11:00, zombie roadtrip!' Moments later sharla replyed with 'ok just preparing seeu at 11' and than 2 minutes after taylor replyed with 'something's wrong with troy, I'll prepare and keep and eye on him, seeyou at 11'. Jessi during getting these replys was getting dressed, he grabbed his .44 magnum from his gun safe and took 12 bullets, loaded six and put the remaining 6 in his pocket, he put the gun in the waist band of his pants, made a cup of tea, fed his fish, and grabbed his coat, he walked out to the garage to see his all off road 4wd, with a nice bullbar for plowing the undead, Jessi grabbed his keys and started the car, he opened the garage and drove out, with Brian now waking to ward the car, Jessi reached under the seat and grabbed the tire iron, 'bam' blood poured everywhere as a well placed blow devastated Brian's head, satisfied, but curious about Brian's wife, Jessi drove off to pick up his friends.

Sharla's house was a 10 minute drive away, as he drove, a gruesome scene formed around him, the living dead were dragging people out of the homes and eating them, and what's left comes back as another, blood and guts covered the lawns of his neighbour hood, Jessi felt sick as he looked at the scenery, as he drove down to a turn off the was a giant group (is group a good word? Maybe a horde of zombies) filled the road, Jessi revved his engine as his plan was to plow right through them, the wheels screeching he charged ahead, dark blood splattered the windscreen and the car shook side to side as it ran over all the undead, finally he had made it through, behind him a line through the horde, Jessi continued to sharla's house.

Jessi pulled up at the driveway of sharla's house, he honked the horn and moments later sharla emerged from her house carrying a backpack filled to the brim, Jessi hoped it wasn't make up and Perfume, Sharla hopped into the Back seat and asked "what took you so long" jessi turned on the radio and began driving to Taylor's house "oh you know, just surviving the zombie apocalypse, what you got in the bag?' Jessi asked. "Food, meds and my glock' sharla casually said. Jessi turned the radio onto the emergency channel, "a minor outbreak of some unknown desease has brought australia to a gruesome hault, we advise you to get supply's and find a safe place to wait it out, the undead can break through windows and climb stair... *crackle* ... Amount of time until infected turn, civilians are warned to leave the following city's as they are going to be bombed in the next 10 hours, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and melbourne' 'shit that's where we are' Jessi cursed, 'lets go pick up taylor and leave Melbourne before its to late.

5 minutes later jessi arrived at Taylor's house, as before honked the horn, there was a minute wait, and nothing happened, Jessi pulled out his phone and text taylor 'sitting here waiting, where you at? Don't tell me you're a zombie'... A minute later a reply came from taylor 'HELP, troy is sick an im trapped in the bed room :('. "Shit, were gonna have to go in and help Tay, I think troys a zombie and we need to help her". "Ok, let's go" Jessi and sharla got out of the car "what's the plan" sharla asked. "We go in, take out troy if we need to, get taylor and get the fuck out of Melbourne" Jessi replied. "Sounds good to me" sharla said.

Jessi walked up to the doorstep and knocked, there was no reply... Obviously. He turned the door handle to find it unlocked, the house was dark, Jessi led, Sharla behind, and slowly walked down the hallway and up the stair, sharla followed. Jessi stopped in his track as his fears were real, troy was indeed a zombie, and he was banging on the bedroom door where he assumed taylor was, troy had a bite on his arm, wich he assumed is why he 'turned', Jessi reached down to grab his gun "here use this" sharla passed him a kitchen knife. "Smart" Jessi whispers, Jessi crept up behind troy and took a deep breath, he knew how much this would affect Taylor, but it has to be done, 'stab' a precise stab to the back of the head and troy was instantly put down, Jessi knocked on the bedroom door, "you ok in there Tay" Jessi pressed his head on the door. "I'm ok, where's troy" Jessi paused and looked at Sharla, "Sharla talk to her I'll move troys body away from the door" as Jessi dragged his old mates body, Sharla replied to Taylor with "we're sorry Taylor, he was one of them and he would have got us if we didn't put him down". "Ok *sob* I'm coming out" Taylor opens the door, her eyes red and puffy, "it's ok taylor, we can grab some food and supply's from here and never come back" Jessi says "ok" taylor replys sadly, the three of them gathered up what stuff the could from the cuboards and were ready to leave, "what about troy, can't we bury him?"Taylor asked. "no, sorry but we have to leave, now I'll tell you in the car" jessi replied. "ok" tears welled up in Taylor's eyes, the three walked to the car.

A few hours later the three of them, were leaving Melbourne, taking the road in to Melbourne, because the other road was full of cars and gruesome accidents, "want to talk about it taylor?" Jessi asked. "no" Taylor stares out the window. "I need to ask something important, when was troy bit?" Jessi softly asked. Sharla was asleep in the back seat, Jessi looked at the clock '6:30pm' the sun was going down and he turned on the headlights "sometime last night" taylor replyed. "What time?" Jessi asks. "I dunno" Taylor said bitterly. "tell me taylor this will help a lot" Jessi nicely asked. "around 7:00 last night" Taylor started to cry. "when did he start attacking you?". "About 10:30 this morning". "ok well that means it takes 15 hours to turn". "how will this help?". "Well we now know how long we have is someones bit, I just hope it never happens". Taylor continued looking out the window as it became nightfall.

They were about 100km from Melbourne when the radio come into action, "Darwin is confirmed a safe zone from this infected, a quarantine in place to stop infected individuals entering, it is safe, full of food and water, bring you family and together we can survive *static ungulfs the station*, Sharla was awoken by the radio "Well you two, thats where we are going, I'm going to get us all there, safe and sound, no matter what" Taylor and sharla agreed with Jessi, they were all safe..... For now.

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