Chapter 4 'Hidden in plain sight'

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"Hey... Uhh... Yeah we're fine, were just having a little fun with the girl" Jessi says making his voice husky to match the guy he just killed. "Oh ok hahaha, try not to be too long, also you sound a tad odd Joel?" The man replies. Jessi looks at Taylor "Uhh... Just enjoying myself a lot". Taylor gives Jessi an evil stare. "Ok, don't go into too much detail... Well finish up and get your ass back here" the man says. "Umm... Yeah sure I'll start heading there, actually I forgot how to get there, how do I get back there from the car yard? Jessi says, sweat coming from his eyebrow. "Where just at the Maryvale farm you idiot, Haha... Wait this is your house how don't you know we're it is.... Fuck" the radio goes silent. "Well we know where they are now" Jessi says to Taylor. "Who is this, and where are Joel and Elliot?!?" The man says "where someone that you shouldn't have messed with, I'm coming for you, I'm going to kill every one of you... Slowly" Jessi shouts furiously. "Good luck mother***er, were going to kill every one of you, you ass-" Jessi snapped the walking talkie in half and threw It out the window. "Mark my words, where coming to get you Sharla" Jessi says determined.

Shortly after, they pulled up at 'Cole's supermarket' the two hopped out of the motorhome and walked toward the entrance, "I have an idea" Jessi says as he grabs a baseball bat from his bag. "Let's see it" Taylor replies. Jessi grabs an empty soda can from his bag, grabs a few rocks from pavement and puts them in the can, he opens the door and shakes the can, making a jingling sound, he then rolled it in toward to other corner of the store, and shortly afterward two figures followed the sound of the can. "Holy shit, that was a good idea, where did you get it from?" Taylor says admiring what he just did. "Walking dead I guess" Jessi says as he opens the door, welding the baseball bat, Taylor holds a torch and flashes it on the two undead In the store, Jessi runs up to the first zombie, swung at its stomach, forcing the zombie to bend over, the bat came down hard on the back of its head, exploding blood everywhere, satisfied, Jessi went onto the next undead, smacking it in the head with the bat, knocking it on The ground, Taylor than finishes the Zombie by stomping its head in, the corner of the shop was covered In dark red blood.

Jessi and Taylor smile at each other, "job well done, now let's grab everything that's use full, Fill a trolley each, and take it to the RV" Jessi says, Taylor follows the command, 15 minutes later they both emerge with two trolleys full of food, water and useful supply's, on the way out, Jessi reached into his pocket and pulled out 300 dollars, he put it on the check out and then followed Taylor out of the store. They both loaded all of the supplies into the RV, packed them away and sat back down in the chairs and then looked at each other.

"What now?" Jessi asked Taylor. "We could go to a gun store I saw on the map, get weapons and make a plan to take on this camp" Taylor says. "Hmm I like that idea, ok use google maps and tell me how the get to the gun store" Jessi replies. He starts the engine and begins the drive to the gun store, Taylor giving directions in the passenger seat.

Moments later the motorhome comes to a halt, they could see the gun store, the only problem was that the street was full of decree, so there only choice was to get out and leg it to the store, Jessi could see a shadow moving in the distance. "So do we leg it to the gun store?" Taylor asks. "I guess, unless you want to find another way there?" Jessi replied. "The road looks blocked on the other side, so yeah let's leg it, although I did see a shadow in the distance" Taylor says. "It's probably a dog or something.... I'll lock the RV and we can walk there" Jessi replied. The two get out and Jessi locks up the motorhome.

Jessi and Taylor grab out there weapons, Taylor had a kitchen knife, and Jessi had a baseball bat. The two, armed made their way toward the gun store, the street was dark as the sun was behind the shops. With the gun store up ahead, a stray dog runs from an alley and chases after a cat, making Taylor and Jessi shit them self's. They go to the front door of the gun store, the windows bared, what are the chances the doors are unlocked.... Slim, Jessi tugs at the door handle, the door doesn't budge. "Shit, let's go around the back and see if there's another way in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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