Chapter 3 - Answers from the library of Rivendell

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You hadn't unpacked yesterday so leaving would be pretty easy, but you had decided to try doing some research in the library first. You made the bed. Then walked into the hallway and closed the doors behind you. You had no idea where everything was but you decided that you would first try to locate the library by yourself. You hurried down the hallways trying to seek the library but then found Arwen. She was eating breakfast. "Ah, Lady (Y/n)." Arwen smiled at you as she got up. "I'm sorry for interrupting.. I tried to locate the library, but seeing how i don't know the place i pretty soon got lost." You explained sitting down momentarily. "Would you care to eat breakfast with me and then go to the library?" Arwen suggested gently. "I'd love that." You answered.

After some lovely chatting about Earths cool and mighty inventions like the moving pictures, small squares you could use to talk to other people and horseless carriages and a delicious filling breakfast you and Arwen headed to the library. "So what do you exactly need from the library?" Arwen asked curiosity leaking from her voice. "I just want to see if i can find anything about the location of the Gate Keepers. Or anything else that could help me find your father." You explained. The fact that they both looked so youthful was kinda funny to you. Especially in the since Elrond was her father. All elves were youthful. At least all the elves you had met. "So i never asked.. How did you two meet?" Arwen asked. How should you answer? Saying you basically kidnapped him wouldn't really sound too good. "Well i found him unconscious close to a certain bond. I first checked that he was alive and then i thought it best to bring him to my house so he would't get hurt and i could offer him food when he woke up." You explained. "Well.. I must thank you for what you did." Arwen smiled. "And i need to thank you for providing me with food and shelter here." You thanked her in return.

Soon you arrived to the library. It was huge and had over 50 rows of neatly placed books. "Oh boy." You sighed before starting to dig threw some of the thick looking books. "Lady (Y/n), can i help you with searching?" Arwen asked sweetly. She clearly wanted to help you. It made sence seeing how she cared for her father deeply. "Sure. We need all the knowledge we can find on the Gate keepers." You said continuing flipping threw the pages of the knowledge packed books. 

After multiple hours of searching you let yourself have a small thinking break. There had been nothing about the Gate keepers in any of the books. You tried to think. Where would they have knowledge about those creatures? You couldn't think of anything and frowned to yourself. You needed to continue searching and not let Elrond down. You made your way to one of the rows of books and looked at all of them until your gaze stopped on a certain book. It looked very old. You figured that the book hadn't been touched at all in a long time by the heavy dust cover. You pulled the book out but it didn't come all the way. It made a small weak click noise. The bookshelf slowly started turning so that there were paths on both sides to a small room. "Lady (Y/n)!?" Arwen asked before walking over and noticing that the bookshelf had turned. "A secret room.." You mumbled. 

In the middle there was a pedestal. On it there was a book. You gently took it. It looked about the same material as your mother's old journals. You opened the book. "Written by (Y/m/n) (Y/l/n.)" You flipped threw the pages. And there it was. A page of information about the Gate keepers. Arwen looked at it too. She was next to you. "Look! It says that the Gate keepers are on a mountain, south of Mordor. Mórë wá amon."

(This is probably wrong but the translation is supposed to be Dark wind mountain so.. sorry if i've fully mistranslated it)

"It will be dangerous.. Considering how it's near Mordor you shouldn't go alone. And i'll make sure you won't." Arwen started. "Huh?" You looked at her interested. "Lady (Y/n).. I will join you on this quest to find my father and save him!" Arwen informed proudly of her decision. It was a shock. You had after all expected to go alone. "Are you sure?" You asked. "You don't have to do this.. I am the one who got him into this mess after all." You explained. "That doesn't matter. What matters the most, is that you want to help him. And so do i. If we help each other, we'll find him easier than if you'd go alone." Arwen explained. "You do have a point." You smiled at her. "Alright. We'll go together." "Great! I'll ask Lindir to prepare horses for us." Arwen informed before she hurried off.

You were outside the library reading the journal that you and Arwen had borrowed. Soon Arwen walked past you. She walked fast and you ran after her. Lindir was standing near the gates with two horses. The one on the right had pure white fur with a light mane. The one on the left had chestnut fur with a light brown mane. You two walked closer to the horses and you noticed Arwen heading for the white horse and so you headed left. You gently slit you hand threw the horse's silky fur. "Her name is Autumn. And this is Asfaloth." Arwen introduced the horses before hopping on Asfaloth's saddle smoothly. She and her horse were ready. The saddle bags had been filled with everything you could need. You hopped on Autumn and she whinnied gently. You and Arwen were finally ready to start seeking the lord of Imladris.

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