Avatar 🌊 x 🔥 Damienette

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Damien is the prince of the fire nation he was feared by a lot of people he tries to catch the avatar to bring his family honor (he doesn't have the scare tho so ya) his adopted siblings gave up or found it unececery he kept finding the avatar but they kept escapeing until they went to the water tribe he went to capture the avatar but he met something else someone that he never thought would happen to him something that would change his life he met the beautiful princess Marinette with (MSP squad) people protecting her they both started to meet each other in secret there parents knew and they thought they may bring peace to the water tribe and fire nation but Adrian didn't take the news too well he wanted Marinette all to himself (No you can't cause Damien is better then you) what will happen?
(Damientte forever is what will happen it's my 1# OTP)

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