Marinette and Marin Hakai Chuàngzào Fu

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Marinette and Marin are twins both there parents were assassins but they were both from different leagues there father Daku Hakai he was a shadow for the league of assassins and there mother Chang Chuàngzào was a Chinese assassin and daughter of the gardien Master Fu but there parents died in a fire or so what their grandfather told them Marinette and Marin moved with there grandfather and cousin Nino in Paris they trained to be heroes and Shadows like there father Master Fu trained Marinette to be the next gardien she was engaged with Damien but she didn't know years went by and Marinette and Marin were like there mother and father but they were also heroes there grandfather gave them weapons and suites there parents wanted them to have when they were older also Nino was left some weapons and suits when he got older the MPS including Marin protected and also calm Mari down from all the lies from the liar and her sheep they had a trip to Gotham over time they became friends with the Wayne's and Mari and Damien started to catch feeling for each other but little did they know that they were betrothed to each other.

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