Marinette Midoryia?!?!?! Daminette.

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Marinette is not actually a Dupain Cheng she was a Midoryia one of the richest family in the world the 2 richest we're the Wayne's Bruce and Teako Midoryia are childhoodhood friends he and Inko had 12 kids all of them were there blood children Marinette and Deku are twins Jason and Dick met them when Bruce and there dad were talking about business they were the only ones who knew Mari's true identity she had to go to paris to do something her fake identity was Marinette Dupain-Cheng she had to wear a raven wig to hide her true hair color she knew Damien for 5 years she started to develop a crush on him but he fell in love with a girl named Ashley he asked Marinette for edvaice she was heartbroken but she still helped the kwami's tried to comfort there gardien Mari told Bruce,Jason and Dick that she was going back to Japan but to not tell Damien the MPS squad went with her Mari enterd the UA (All might gave her and Deku the same quirk in the same time all for one) Bakugo had a crush on her and Deku senses they were kids he still did but he wouldn't show it he just bullied them a few months past and Damiecn started to worry about Mari he didn't see her in school one day he asked the teacher they only said that she moved Damien felt his world shatter he started to act like the old Damien even to Ashley he was cold one day ALL (14 people) the Midoryia family members went to Gotham to go visit the Wayne's will Damien recognize his angle?
(P.S Marinette be careful of the pervert and Marinette and Damien do get together in the end and Baukgo and Deku are dating in the end :3)

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