Uh oh

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Madison POV

I was drinking my milk and letting my step mom feed me, but then I felt a sharp pain in my bladder. Uh oh I need to use the bathroom and I'm not peeing or pooping in this diaper.

Rachel saw that Madison was having some pain and said does my little baby need to poopoo. Madison said no asked to be out of her highchair. Rachel said sure and Madison headed to the bathroom but the door was locked. Rachel rushed after her took her to her room and said your getting a punishment for tryna use the bathroom. She grabbed Madison's arm and layed her down and put a tiny skirt on her that covered up most of her pull-up but if Madison bent over you cold see the whole pull-up. Rachel took Madison into the car and put into a car seat. The car seat was tight on her since she was 13 years old. Rachel drove to a public park with many people. Rachel then made Madison play with all the other kids on the playground.

Madison's POV

There were so many people by me and I was so embarrassed I was the only one with a pull-up on. I felt my poop sliding out and I put my hand over my butt but that didn't do anything. My poop slid out it was all mushy and then a long pee came out as well. It felt like my diaper was about to fall off so I held it with my hands and waddled toward my step mom. I said I think my pull-up gonna fall off she said fine I'll take you home and change you. It was a long walk to the car,and when we were walking towards the car my pull-up fell off I was standing there shocked a 13 year girl pull-up fell off. I saw some people look at me and gave me a weird look because I started crying really loud. Everyone now known I had a pull-up on because my pull-up fell to my ankles. But not only that I had another pain come to me and I pooped all over the ground everyone was watching me. Even some people from my school were there. Rachel didn't make it better she just stood there and laughing then she grabbed my hand why I was crying so loud and pulled me to the car. There was poop running down my legs and all over my shirt and skirt. There were no stores near by yo change me in so my step mom moved my car set out of the way I was so embarrassed I started to pee. My step mom said do you have to pee or poop some more why she was laying towels down in the car. She didn't want me to get in her car with no pants on so she me strip out of my clothes on the side walk why people were walking by. I told her no but then she said I could walk home with poop on me and smelling nasty. I said I don't care anymore then striped right there in public, I was naked no shirt or underwear on just poop all over me, some even went up my back. And what made it worse is that there was a busy street and loads of people where walking by. I started to cry but then stoped because it Brong all the attention to me. I stepped out of my pull-up that was at my ankles felling embarrassed. Rachel then laid me down in the car I said what are you doing. She said changing you I said right now she said yes because there was poop everywhere. I eventually gave in and let her change me she told me to keep my legs up so I won't get poop everywhere then she went to the truck to get my diaper bag. I was embarrassed and crying because my butt and pussy was out so the whole world could see and I had poop on me. Then I saw a few people walking by and they were taking pictures of me and videotaping me. I cried even louder then my step mom came back and started to wipe the poop off of me people were still taking pictures and recording me. My step mom then said your gonna wear two thick diaper then I told her ok and to hurry up. Then she said I don't have a change of clothes for you so your gonna have to wear that. So on the ride home I sat in two thick diapers and no clothes on. On the way home I pooped and peed again in my diapers. When we stopped at a red light people were starring at me I cried so loud all the way home. When we got home my step mom unbuckled me and I got out so fast. We didn't have a fence so are neighbors were watching me. My step mom and I rushed into the house and she said don't ever make me punish you again and I said yes mommy.

Rachel POV

When we got home I told Madison to take her stuff off and wait for me in the bathroom. She did as she was told I walked upstairs and she was naked still smelling a poop of course. I then made her a bath and washed her up and carried her naked to her room cause all of are towels were dirty. I told her to sit there and watch tv naked until she was dry.

30 minutes later

I went to check on her and she was dry felt embarrassed because she was covering up her boobs and crotch when I came in. She knew what was gonna happen so she laid on the ground naked with her legs spread out I then put a thick diaper on her and nothing else so I could see if she has accidents. Then I told her she can watch some YouTube for 30 minutes.

This all happened because of one mistake Where stories live. Discover now