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[edited December 10 published November 28th]

Colorful beads and plastic threads lay out on the white foldable table, messily falling onto the ground occasionally with a bump of the non-sturdy and cheap table.

Jimin laid his chin on his palm looking down at the boring set of bracelets on his wrist that ocean made for him.

She was seated besides him making more, some elaborate or simple but they were cute not that Jimin would admit it though to her. It might go to her head.

Taehyung sat content in front of him watching the blue eyed boy play with play dough. Jungkook diagonal from them watching as his "little sister" played tumble with some other girls.

"Why don't you go do some flips huh ocean?" Jimin asked motioning over. "Chile-I don't wanna play with little kids. They annoy me." "Well your presence annoys me. Go." She groaned loudly getting up and throwing the unfinished bracelets down making the beads go everywhere.

Jimin scowled.

"Maybe if you weren't so mean, you'd see you guys are more alike then it seems." Taehyung spoke loudly making his own black , grey and white bracelets.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Jungkook tell Taehyung to mind his damn business." "Taehyung Leave Jimin alone." Jungkook absentmindedly scowled drawing in some child's book.

"Haha." Jimin teased sticking his tongue making Taehyung throw a bead at his eye, Jimin dramatically yelled covering his "hurt" eye; and they continued to bicker like siblings.

"I'm friends with children." Jungkook sighed wrapping a bracelet around a child's wrist.

"You guys wanna head out for dinner later? My treat!" Jungkook asked as they walked out of the facility, Taehyung and Jimin still arguing.

"Eh depends on where we're going." Jimin chimed lighting a cigarette. "Ew cancer stick." Taehyung snatched it throwing it in the street.
"Bitch I wasn't finished." He looked through his bag stopping to punch Taehyung.

"That was my last one you asshole." "Good. I'm down to go out to dinner, gotta be early though so I can get home to my siblings tonight. My dads going on a date or whatever." He rolled his eyes looking upset and Jungkook linked their arms.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked sweetly his hand being taken by Jimin who felt left out. "Nah I'm good. It's just he has other shit to worry about then dating."

"You sound selfish." Jimin commented glaring at him. "You sound annoying shut up."

"How about this, we leave now for lunch then we get ice cream together?" Jungkook asked stopping the fight quickly.

"..sure. Can we stop at school real quick I have to get stuff from my locker." "Then you can walk." Jimin spat opening the door to his car.

"What?" "I'm not driving all the way back to school, take the bus loser." He teased sticking his tongue out.

"Stop playing." He went to open the back door but it was locked and Jimin was starting to put the car in drive.

"I'm serious, I have no cash on me or a bus pass!" "Then you should get your own car." He laughed locking the door and slapping sunglasses onto his face looking in the rear view mirror.

"Jimin I swear to god-" he threatened but the older rolled up the window. "Let him in, we can make one little stop." Jungkook lightly slapped his arm making the boy groan unlocking the back door.

"Your lucky pinkie pie here is in your favor." "Yeah yeah just drive."

After stopping at the store along with a non-stop bitching Jimin who was complaining about gas money.

They stopped at a random dinner sitting in the back of the building where the TV was so Taehyung could watch some sports channel.

"Hey Jimin, the other day when we came over your house in that extra room were you writing something? Are you a writer?" Jimin hummed sipping on his strawberry milkshake.

"Yup. I've written a few but the one you saw I'm guessing is my new one I think it's THE book. To put me on the map and start my career. I was hoping to get accepted into this international program in japan." Jungkook smiled at his enthusiasm.


"All the way in..japan? Like Asia that's pretty far don't you think?" He asks putting a fry in his mouth. Jimin hummed. "Yes it's is. That's the point pinkie. There's a whole world out there. Don't expect me to spend my life in Canada." Taehyung was now interested in the conversation and looked up from his homework.

"Why though? At least go to like America?" Jimin lifted his leg up on the booth that he and Tae shared.

"I don't wanna go to America." He giggled. "It's a good legit program not a lot of people get accepted. It's like really rare especially from Canada. You all should be happy." "No! Of course not I'm excited for you it's just this is out last year and most likely together." Jimin noted that.

"What about you babes, gonna miss me?" Jimin asked throwing a fry at Taehyung landing on his paper making a grease stain. "No not at all." He grunted throwing it back.

"Awe. My feelings." He sat up leaning over on top of him. "Let's be honest your probably gonna miss me the most Tae bae aren't you?" He pinched his cheek laughing.

"Ugh. Stop it." He complained but he couldn't help but smile as Jimin giggled and Jungkook looked on fondly.

The door to the diner rang and they all turned out of habit to the girl walking inside. Her hair was black with two purple streaks and she had a grunge aesthetic about her.

Jimin and Jungkook looked away while Taehyung lingered on a little longer going unmissed by Jimin who gently kicked him.

"Huh?" Jimin grabbed his face and left a big wet kiss on his lips leaning back while crossing his arms. Jungkook spit out his soda laughing at the older's reaction.

"Wh-what the hell?" He asked blushing, Jimin smirked. "What you don't like PDA?" Taehyung mumbled under his breath going back to his work.
Don't look at other people. It hurts my feelings

Jimin thought staring at his side profile. I should kiss him agin. He's adorable.

Just as he was about to make the move the same girl walks up to their table uninvited annoying Jimin.

"Sorry, but are you Kim Taehyung?" Taehyung nodded face turning emotionless agin.
"Sorry, I'm new in your art class and I forgot that lay out at school do you happen to have it on you?" He hummed taking it out.

"I can just send you a photo?" She nodded as he took a quick photo and handed over his phone for her to add her number in.

Jimin watch the whole scene with his fist clenched. Jungkook just stared at her thinking how she was so pretty.

"I really like your hair!" He pointed out with a innocent smile. Jimin gasped kicking him from under the table. "What?" He mouthed.

"If you need anything else let me know." "Thank you Taehyung." She obviously didn't purposely try and make Jimin angry but why did she have to repeat his name like that. All girly and sultry.

"Yah yah, thanks for wasting our time." Jimin interrupted wrapping his arm around around Taehyung's shoulder crossing his legs while they were on his lap and smiling cheaply.

"O...kay." She awkwardly smiled at Taehyung going back to her table.

Taehyung watched her leave turning to jimin. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" "Are you scared he'll find out? Don't worry he's pussy anyways." He mumbled that last part letting Taehyung go.

"I think I saw her a few days ago. She's definitely new. And pretty..." jungkook was still staring at her angering Jimin.

"Okay she's pretty we get it." He snapped rolling his eyes looking out the diner window.

Jungkook smiled. "Shush Jimin, your prettier anyways." The oldest smiled to himself then looked to Taehyung. "What about you? Am I pretty?" Taehyung stared at him before lifting his finger to flick Jimin on his nose.

"Shut up brat."

It's soooo short my bad y'all I'm tired 💖💖💖💖love ya tho

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