The Elimination Enclosure Match

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Team Weird N' Wild were talking to each other, when Sarah Schreiber walked up to them.

Sarah: Team Weird N' Wild, first of all congratulations on your successful defense earlier tonight, so now that you've defeated Best Friends-

That's when Starlight Glimmer and the SCE walked in on them, and cut Sarah off.

Starlight: What's next for them? Is to finally be put in their place, in TRUE Equality.

Star: Yeah... "Equality."

Mabel: "Equality" meaning centered around YOU, and ONLY you!

Suddenly Spongebob and Danny stepped forward to defend Starlight.

SpongeBob: If this centered around JUST Starlight, I wouldn't have this title.

Mabel: You only have that title because of the giant butthead following you around.

Dark Danny: Watch it, twerp. Otherwise you'll be vacating those titles rather than being pinned for them.

Star: Your phony little group doesn't fool OR even scare us in the slightest.

Starlight: We don't scare you, huh? Look where that got Ricochet's friends.

Star: All your group is, is just numbers, Starlight... And the moment those drop to one is the day your reign is numbered. Eventually, they're gonna realize that.

Starlight: *Smiles* Sure... pay attention to the main event then, when I beat Ricochet to retain this title. Maybe that will change both of your perspectives.

The SCE then walks away.


Back at ringside, the Hell In A Cell structure was coming down as the lights flickered.

Mauro: There it is, ladies and gentlemen! One of wrestling's most torturous structures ever built! Now it's getting a new style to it! It's Hell in a Cell, plus Gauntlet Match rules!

Nigel: Just looking at this is just making my skin crawl!

Once the cell was fully lowered, the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen! It is now time for....THE ELIMINATION ENCLOSURE MATCH!!!

The crowd roared.

Jeremy Borash: The rules are as follows. Two competitors start it out in the ring. Once a pinfall or Submission has been made, a new competitor enters the cell. This will go until all 20 competitors have entered. The last competitor remaining will be the winner, and will earn a LWF: Reborn Championship match, AT WRESTLEPALOOZA!!!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: And now, it's time to find out, who drew number 1!


Mauro: And here we go! We're kicking off the Elimination Enclosure match with number one, and it's the Worst!

Out came Shane Thorne as he lifted his arm up into the air. Then he took his vest off, and made his way to the ring.

LWF: REBORN - ELIMINATION ENCLOSURE Where stories live. Discover now