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Sarah Schreiber catches up with Zayden Trudeau who was sitting on a production box.

Sarah: Zayden, welcome back to LWF! How does it feel to step back in an LWF ring?

Zayden: Well it feels good! That cell though... not so much. I'd be lying if I said I was fine, but damn that Elimination Enclosure sure can cause some damage!

That's when Robert Squared walked up to him.

Zayden: Oooh, shoot. Hey man, look. I know there's some history between us that even I want to forget, so... I'm just gonna go. Sorry if I-

Robert cuts him off, and places his hand on his shoulder.

Robert: *Gives him a smile* Don't sweat it. All that's in the past.

Zayden: I'm glad you agree. But did you approach me just to put our history behind us, or is there more than that?

Robert: Well, yes to putting our history behind us... but depending on some things... it MAY be a bit more than that.

Zayden: What exactly are you implying?

Robert: I'm sure you've seen a few of the issues I've run into as of late here in LWF, right?

Zayden: Yeah?

Robert: If I'm gonna get through to Sonata... I'm gonna need a hand. If you help me out, I can find a way to help you in return.

Zayden: You know what, let bygones be bygones. *Holds out his hand* sure. I'll help.

The two shake hands.

Robert: Much appreciated. Who knows? If all goes to plan, you could have two new partners watching your back... maybe more if my little plan goes well.

Zayden: You know... I think you're right.

Robert: That's the spirit! Now let's save ourselves a siren!


The Society of Complete Equality were walking out through the curtain, and into the backstage area, where Charly Caruso caught up to them.

Charly: Starlight, SCE, first of all, congratulations on winning your respective matches, second, is there anything you would like to say about your Victories?

Upon hearing the question, Abrasive Spongebob stepped forward.

SpongeBob: What is there to say? We did EXACTLY as we said we would do, and that is win!

Starlight: Exactly. We just proved that our Equality… is the true Equality. Just stick with your limitations, and look where it gets you. Victory, after victory!

Dark Danny then steps forward.

Dark Danny: We just clean swept the entire competition. If this doesn't show our immense power, what more must we do?

Kassius Ohno then stepped forward. 

Kassius: Consider this a warning to anyone who tries to defy us. You saw what we did to those who tried to take us down, you either join us, or parish!

Charly: Alright. Now my second question, earlier you guys walked up to Team Weird N' Wild before their Tag Team Championship match-

Dark Danny then grabbed the mic off of her.

Dark Danny: They will either join us or they will join THEM... Their choice.

Starlight: Couldn't put it any better. Mabel and Star better make the right choice.

Danny then shoved the mic back to Charly, and the SCE walked away.


Kayla Braxton was standing in the interviewing area.

Kayla: So that was Elimination Enclosure everyone, and joining me for this post Elimination Enclosure interview-

She then gets cut off by Dennis walking in, and he grabs the cameraman, and looks deep into it before speaking his mind.

Dennis: YOU! Bring your ass over here! I got something I wanna show off!

He then drags the cameraman deep into the backstage area.

There, laying on the ground, was Darby Allin. Bleeding, and barely conscious.

Dennis: You see this? THIS is what happens when you f-ck over Dennis!

He then lifted Darby's head by the hair.

Dennis: You cost me my chance to go to Wrestlepalooza... now I'm gonna cost you your career.

He then threw Darby down, backed up, and began measuring Darby.

Referees began to rush in, and try to stop him, but when he lunged at them, the refs stepped back.

Darby Allin gets to his feet, then Dennis gives him a big Boot!

Dennis then popped the spikes out from under his boot, and proceeded to press his spiky boot on Allin's face!

Referees began to try and pull him off, but Dennis just wouldn't budge!

After a few minutes, Dennis finally releases him. Darby Allin now writhing in pain.

Dennis then slowly backs away as referees began checking on Darby.

And there you have it! That was Elimination Enclosure!

Any matches that you liked? Sound your opinions in the comments below!

Until then, see you in the Post Elimination Enclosure episode of LWF: Reborn!

See ya there!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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