Chapter 3

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Harry had not seen Emily since she had settled into her own accommodations three days ago. He had been working steadily, constantly flying and by the end of his shift, he was exhausted to do anything else.

He was sitting in the cook house that supplied all the soldiers with their day to day meals. Tossing his head back in laughter, the prince scooped a spoonful of hashbrowns when suddenly, quiet whispers grew around him. When Harry had first arrived on base, he witnessed that same feeling when he walked in here and saw the guys staring and whispering that a prince was here.

Turning his head back to see what the commotion was now about, he laid eyes on a familiar blonde woman walking in beside another woman. Emily held her head low avoiding the men that were gazing at her as she was wrapped up in a serious conversation while walking down the middle of the separated tables. One man whistled and Emily brushed it off like nothing happened, not giving a second of her time to acknowledge that man.

An anger burned within the prince as he locked eyes with him and gave him a death glare. Ever since the day he met Emily, there was a profound sense of the need to protect her. He felt he needed to keep her safe, almost as if it was his duty, rather a promise to a dying man that led him to believe that. Emily was a strong willed woman on her own, some one who did not need him. Harry knew that, but he couldn't help but feel a protective nature towards her.

His head turned still with a glare to catch soft blue eyes staring at him with a suggestively raised eyebrow catching him in the act. Giving a little shake of the head while their eyes remain locked, Emily rolled his eyes at Harry's protective nature. Harry's eyes followed her into the cafeteria line. While staring at her back, he found his eyes drifting up and down her body, taking in her curves and long legs that looked amazing even in a set of comfy navy blue scrubs. Harry smirked when he saw how much Emily talked with her hands, exactly like how Harry had been told he does.

"Pick your jaw up, Wales." Luca leaned in and nudged Harry.

His head snapped towards Luca and his squadron forgetting that he was sitting with them. "Oh, shove it." Harry picked up his fork and started to pick at the food on his plate.

"Not with the way you look at Emily we aren't." Owen whispered under his breath from across the table earning a solid kick to the shins from the prince.

"It's nothing, man." Harry down played the situation and tried to change the subject, but now the guys were stuck on it.

"Wales. She's hot as hell." Simon finally piped in. "Not to mention she's a doctor so she's smart as hell too. Wouldn't hurt to get a little something something while you are here." Simon winked at Harry who rolled his eyes in response.

"Plus she probably hasn't had sex for a long time, she said she hasn't been back home for seven months already?" Owen was trying to find a reason for Harry. "I'm sure if you don't there is a long line up of guys who would gladly help her out in that department."

Harry practically snarled at Owen for his comments. "I am not going to bang, Emily."

"It's not like anything is going to happen if you get caught right?" Owen angled his head. "She's not army, she's UN. So she technically does not qualify for the off limits according to the base rule."

"Guys!" Harry slammed his fist down and quietly yelled at them, careful as to not cause a scene. "I am not going to do that to her, she deserves more than that."

"Harry's right." Simon followed into place. "Emily is not like Luca's girl. Give her more respect, especially since she will be staying with us in VHR sometimes and kicking more of Owen's ass at FIFA!" Simon's eyes drifted towards the prince as they shared an understanding look.

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