Chapter 7

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Harry climbed out of his pilot's seat of the Apache helicopter after returning from a flight. He glanced down towards his waistband and secured his gun before tucking away his flight book. Simon climbed to the ground beside the prince and looked up with apologetic and thankful eyes.

"Thanks for taking over, Wales." Simon shook his head while looking to the ground with defeat. "I just froze, I don't know what happened."

The prince sighed heavily, being finally able to release a deep breath after what had just happened on their flight that put everyone's lives at risk. Simon was the captain of the Apache and during mid flight he zoned out and stopped ordering commands of the squad as soon as they enter into the combat zone. Luckily, Harry picked up on what was going on and took control of the Apache before everyone else's lives were put on immediate danger, but it was a close call.

He felt awful that his dear friend was going through something like this and being so far away from home without being able to do anything, but this, this could not happen again. "Si, as a friend I know the past few days have been extremely difficult for you and I cannot imagine what is going on in your head right now." Harry and Simon started to slowly walk behind the rest of the squad, out of ear shot from Luca and Owen. "But, as a fellow pilot." He breathed out. "You just put more lives on the line in that situation and that was completely unacceptable. Whatever is in your head cannot affect your flying again or..." The prince paused and glanced up from the ground towards his friend to see the somber expression formed on Simon's face.

"I will have to stop flying." Simon nodded. Understanding that he was placing Harry in a tough spot. "I put my squad's lives on the line today, Harry. I need to get my head right."

"Do you want to go speak to someone? Maybe a good chat will help ease the mind a bit?" Harry attempted to convince Simon who shot down the idea quicker than Harry brought it up mainly out of fear that the conversation would reach their superiors and Simon's flying would be brought into question.

Harry's eyes lifted hearing children laughing in the near distance. His eyes fell on Emily giggling away as she meandered through a small group of Afghan children with a football. They were all screaming and chasing after her as she fought to pick them all off of her body as they clung on tightly to her. Emily kicked the ball towards a little girl who was evidently the smallest one in the group and ran her little heart out to get the ball, but was trampled over by the bigger kids as she fell to the ground.

Emily jogged over to the girl who was now balling her eyes out sitting on the ground holding her knee tight to her chest. She knelt down and stood the little one up and brushed the sand off of her knees before consoling her. The little girl nodded and Emily smiled before giving her a big engulfing hug. Emily picked the little girl up and swung her around making her cries turn into an endless string of giggles.

"That stubbornness is going to kill you one day, Si. Or even me." Harry walked off without another word feeling an inner rage building within. He headed towards Emily, wanting to let off a little steam and join the game with the kids. A distraction from his thoughts was exactly what he needed in that moment, and Emily was definitely a great distraction for him.

"Em!" Harry called out her name as her head turned and became distracted by the soldier running towards her flashing a beaming grin.

"Hey you." The smile that grew on her lips was exactly what Harry longed to see after such a stressful flight. "Want to join in? I am sure they won't care if I beat you." She placed her hand on her hips and egged him on with a wink.

"Oh! It's so on!" Harry took off his sweater and tossed it aside.

Emily turned around and yelled at the children in Arabic, telling them that Harry was going to play and to gang up on him. But, she decided to keep that little secret to herself as they started screaming and piling on top of him making Emily laugh hysterically while taking control of the football.

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