The Night of the Crickets

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12/19, Night, Friday

Helene was acting especially weird today.

Something happened, for sure, but I don't know if it was because of Tuesday's experimental disaster, or how I lashed out at her during PE class, or how significantly distant I was to her all of a sudden since yesterday.

Fridays are times of significant recreation. Since Holiday Season is right around the corner, the fun to be had on Fridays, got exponentially higher.

And for Helene, her exponential increase came in the form of a treat.

Like... a treat, treat.

Basically, she treated me to... an all-you-can-chow-down buffet.

And we didn't stop and eat at one place. We went to three. I felt my feet penetrate the ground with all the weight I carried this afternoon. Maybe Helene acting weird is a big understatement. It's like she's someone entirely different.

Maybe there's hope for an 'us' after all.

I got home all smug and mighty, it's as if there's nothing that can bring me down.

Not even Ma's continuous commands.

"Darryl, the plants!" Ma yelled at the pitch of a soaring hawk.

Not gonna lie, an interruption like that in the middle of my game? An online game that can't simply be 'paused'? I'll be pissed.

I'll be super pissed.

But not today, it seems. Whenever I pat my stomach, I remember Helene, and despite our blatant disagreements and differences, there appears to be an unexpected road that can lead us to the garden of love.

I kept that in mind, as I once again braved the world of endless screams and errands.

"Unbelievable." The smile got etched onto my dumbfounded face.

I still couldn't believe how I got her to act that way. I mean, I don't remember doing any voodoo stuff? Not that I recall.

"Oh, Helene."

Helene, Helene. You wouldn't dare touch me on a normal day. But this day was special. Unique. You held my hand and roped me along as we traversed the vast ocean. The vast mall, I mean.

"The vast mall." I chuckle. "Stupid." I chuckle once more.

It hasn't bothered me that much, but the thought kept swirling in my petrified mind.

Why did she act the way she did today? Is it my doing? Is it just her? Should I even question the legality and ability of that girl to be super nice to me?

"Her? Super nice? To me?" That's odd.

That's undeniably odd. Odder than a legless otter. Odder than solid water.

Odder than...

Wait, something's missing.

I clutched the watering can with both my sweaty hands. I hadn't realized that I've gone through two extra, unnecessary laps of watering the plants.

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