Replies 4

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GeTeno asked :

Do you what Ragnarok is?


Ragnarok is the end of me....along with Thor, Odin, and Heimdall.

I would prefer if I did not dwell on that subject......

GeTeno asked again...:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I don't know. You tell me.


Well GeTeno, a woodchuck could (and does) chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. So it makes sense that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equivalent to the weight of the dirt, or 700 pounds. Does that answer your question?

SnoopyLuver asked:

I understand why you were so angry about finding out you were adopted, but was going all homocidal really necessary? If I worried about my 'blood' relatives half the time I'd be in a LOT of termoil. Just sayin'. The fact is is that even if you were from different blood, they were the ones who took you in, kept you safe. That's the kind of people who are your family, not blood. Blood isn't as important as you think. I've learned that now. What made you attack Manhattan? and on a more important note how did you end up with Thanos???


The reason for my actions was Odin LIED to me! I was a stolen relic to him, he did not care for me. I attacked Manhattan to prove I am worthy, to prove I am above all else, for I am the God of Mischief and Lies and in the end all shall kneel.

( Hey this is Tony! Just gonna point out the REAL reason he attacked Manhattan. THIS GUY IS FREAKING INSANE! He spends half of his time stroking his staff saying 'daddy loves you'. Tony out!)

Loki4eva asked:

Insteed of using the Chitcharian to take over the earth, why didn't you use your army of fan-girls you have developed(Because all of us in Loki's army would help you) and also, do the Avengers ever get Jelious at your many fan-girls(Because you have like five times more fan-girls then all of them combined)?


Before my attack on Manhattan I had no fan girls. ( well I had some but very few. Certainly not enough for an army) But I will certainly use my loyal army the next time I take over a city, for the avengers would not harm defenseless Girls ( Or a few of the men that have joined the ranks). I do say that Steve Rogers has been VERY jealous of my army, for he constantly is telling me how he might have less girls but his are strong and brave ( though honestly I am unsure if he has any).

JoanneTan0 asked:

after u are released from the glass cage. do u have any intentions of rebuilding your family ties with thor, ordin and frigga? or back to king laufey?


I will stand alone, with Sigyn at my side. (( For obvious reasons ;) -Tony)) For Odin has always favored Thor, no matter what glorious things I do. In Odin's eyes I will never be as great as Thor, but on my own I am mighty and strong. I do not need that old man or Laufey.

janicemints asked:

If you had a daughter what would her name be?


I do have a daughter! Her name is Hel and she is Goddess of the Underworld.

derpson asked:

if your master dude with the extra thumbs came to earth and met all super heroes at once, would he be bleeding to death, or would he just up and die?


I would imagine he would fall dead at their feet.

ShiningGalaxy asked:

What would you do if you met Ironhide's cannon like Sam Witwicky did in the first TF movie? xD


I would blast it with my scepter and watch as it crumbled into dust! Then of course I would make Ironhide kneel.

scriptowl asked:

so, loki, is it painful giving birth to a horse? also LOOK OUT HULK. there. see . your to scared to face bruce.


It is VERY painful. I am a man I was not meant to birth a child, let alone an eight legged stallion. I AM NOT AFRAID OF BRUCE BANNER!! I am just waiting for the right moment to battle him.......

MonkeyChronicle asked:

Do I complete you?

What is the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything? (*cough* Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference *cough cough*)


No, no you do not complete me! The man of iron told me the meaning of that statement! I do not wish to kiss you passionately in a tree. ( I'm so evil hehehe- Tony )

And the answer to your question is 42.


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