The Date

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"Lisa if I tell you something will you get mad?" I told her.

"Um no why what's? the matter?" She asked

"Okay so Brandon from school asked me out, and I said yes but I knew you were going to get

mad" I said

"I'm not mad anyways I always call dibs and it's not fair for you, so when is the date?" She asked

Whew she's not mad I thought I was dead meat. " Today at 4:00" I answered.

"That's great! omg lets go shopping" she said happily.

Wow I knew she was going to say that. Now she's back to normal.

"Ok I said but not too formal shopping we can only buy casual clothes" I stated.

"Fine lets go it's 3:00 we better go or you'll be late" she said.

"Okay" I said.

I got a text while getting in the car. It was from Brandon. "Who is it" Lisa asked.

"Wait a moment" I said

Hay what's your address?

3434 River Road

Brandon: okay see you in a few bye😊

Lucy: bye

"Okay Lucy what's it Brandon?" She asked.

"Yes, he wanted to know my address" I said.

We went shopping for 30 minutes and came home.

Lisa bought a few things she couldn't leave without.

Gosh she has a closet the size of a house.

I got dressed in a blue dress with white flats and a white hand bag.

I got my blue jacket and left the door.

The rest of the night was great.

We ordered and the place was fancy with white chandeliers.

It was fantastic, but the weird part is we had to leave early.

I don't know why, so I ask him.

"Hey Brandon why do we have to leave early" I said.

"Sorry Lucy but I have to babysit" he apologized.

Then is hits me. We shouldn't date at all. I think about Lisa.

She called dibs, but this feels rushed also. I think we rushed into things

so quickly. So I decided. We shouldn't date.

"Um Brandon, I don't think we should date. We should be friends?" I asked nervously.

"Um yeah I think that can work" he sounded sad.

I can date someone I just met, out of nowhere.

It's weird but my sister gets this one.

When I get home I tell Lisa all about the date.

She looked sad at first but I told her not to worry, I dumped him after all.

I went to sleep ready for a new day.


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