Voldemort x Belle

18 2 23

Requested by: Psychotic_Bookworm
Warnings: None, except / or unless you count absolute absurdity, on my part
Pairing: Tom Morvolo Riddle AKA Voldemort, Lord Voldemort or "I am Lord Voldemort" X Belle (she does not currently have, nor possess a confirmed surname or last name, if you prefer that) and I'm assuming it's Disney Belle and not original Belle.

Fun fact, if you didn't know already, the Disney version or Disney's version of Beauty and the Beast, is in fact a remake of the original written by French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, her/their novel was published in 1740. Well, it's more based on it than it is a remake. But still,key plot points remain the same. 
Anyways, anyhow, into the story we go!


It was the evening of Halloween and a certain Mister Lord Voldemort was absurdly anxious, for he had not yet discovered what he wished to dress up as that year.

Every other year, the talented sorcerer would have his costume, along with the celebratory party he hosted yearly planned out weeks, perhaps even months in advance.

However, this year, was not quite the same. It had been quite busy and unbelievably hectic, as that year, he had made the 'boy who lived', the boy who choked.

And for that very reason, the poor man had been too stressed to do much about his beloved holiday.

Just then, Lucius, his servant, had brashly and brazenly SWUNG his door open, clutching and dragging along with him four new trend-setters whom resided in the little french village they had situated themselves within for the time being, in order to recuperate from the war. 

Among the men, there was a particularly eye-fetching one, with shoulder-length, luscious black hair, currently tied back (or thrown back, cooly), into a man bun, Voldemort assumed it had been done rather hastily. 

You may be wondering why Voldemort had summoned, well, kidnapped these men, and so, I shall tell you.

He had done so in an attempt to find some inspiration for a Halloween costume, as he was completely out of ideas and he figured Muggles, however ridiculously puny they may be, espiecally in comparison to him, could be quite creative at times.

Burning witches who weren't even witches at the stake was as much proof as you would need to prove his theory, silly Muggles.

"You sir," he called out to the man. 

The man gulped and then quickly covered it up by clearing his throat, in an attempt to seem more masculine or save the slight masculinity he believed he would lose for allowing himself to be kidnapped. Tut-tut, Gaston. Step up your game, bud. 

"Sir," the man said, stepping forward as Lucius let his hold on the man's muscled arm slip. 

"Yes... I require.." Voldie paused for dramatic effect. 

"..your fashion sense," the wizard-man admitted. 

"Ah, so it would seem," the unnamed, unknown man said, with more confidence as he straightened his back. 

"How may I be of assitance?" came the question, with a sly smirk, 

A sly smirk which was met with Voldemort's own snake-like one 

Voldemort tutted in mock thought. 

"We'll get to that in a moment," he assured, twirling a powerful-looking wooden wand he had seemed to produce out of nowhere, it had probably originated from one of the wizard's robe sleeves. 

"But first.. I must know your name. Tell me your name." Dark Lord Voldemort requested, well we all know, he demanded it. 

"Gaston. Gaston is the name, uhh, err.." he, the man, now known to Voldemort as Gaston trailed off, as he did not know the identity of the entity situated before him. 

"Voldemort. You may call me Voldemort, G" Voldemort said, tasting the foreign nickname on his tongue. He decided he rather liked it. 

"Come, sit," Tom requested, as he took a seat on a green sofa, stitched with silver thread that lay positioned off in a secluded corner of the room that looked quite a bit smaller from the outside. Looks can be deceiving.

"I need you..." Voldemort sighed, looking deep, deeply straight into the man's eyes, so as for him to understand Tom, his wishes, his needs and wants better, more efficiently than he could with just a half-hearted look. 

"to give me a makeover," and so it began. The makeover of the century. 

Voldemort had Lucius summon all of the items he would be needing, as Gaston leaned against the wall on the far-right, a glass of amber liquid, that was presumably an alcoholic beverage of some variation, in his right hand as he spoke with his dearest friend, LeFou who after locating Gaston had been let in by some staff (AKA Death Eaters) who had been posted outside the hotel-like building, they had been alerted of LeFou's arrival by Voldemort, who had been told, 'keyed in' by Gaston as Voldemort poured him his first class of alcohol he had encountered during his 'visit'.

By the time Gaston was done, with some help from LeFou, Voldemort seemed as if he was/were a different person. 

His once scaly, pale, snake-like skin had morphed into the peach of a delicate flower or piece of fruit which was constantly faced with the threat of bruising to its youthful skin or exterior. 

His long, bacteria encrusted fingernails had now become a beautiful, clear assortment of clean nails. A sight Tom, the man had not bore witness to since his teenage and early adult years. 

His feet had gone through the same transformation, thanks to a spell the village witch had provided them with. 

His bland, green robes had been replaced with a beautiful white ensemble with delicate light-yellow patterns in the forms of branches, trees and leaves. 

His under-shoe'd and unclothed feet had been fixed and replaced with beautiful white socks. 

His hair, which had been almost non-existent until this point had reformed back to the light brown it had once been. With the slightest hint of a wig and a few (or a couple) hair-extensions, the man had managed to bag himself shoulder-length brown hair. 

With this in mind and his appearance secure, the man decided it was almost time to ascend the staircase and greet his guests. 

It was a ball, after all and he was the Cinderella, a Cinderella does not miss the ball.

Before he began his ascension, he greeted Gaston once more, for what he believed would be the last time that night - but definitely not for life as the wizard was now planning on hiring the very, incredibly skilled man as his makeup-artist and stylist.

What? Every villain needs an impressive wardrobe and attire, Gaston was his. 

"Gaston... Lefou," he sighef, gratefully.

"Thank you both ever so much for what you have done for me. It shall not be forgotten, nor overlooked. I shall have a letter, carried by owl sent to your place of residence by noon tomorrow."

At their slight looks of confusion and LeFou's very own look of slight apprehension, Voldemort further elaborated. 

"Do not fret, it is not a threat," and with that, the man gracefully ascended the staircase, after exiting his /the room.

( I may have to break this in to two parts, due to how long this is) sorry :)

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