Homestuck - Nervous blue meet nervous blue

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"I swear you're gonna have so much fun at this party!" Elliot nodded at their friends encouragement. They really weren't sure how things were going to go at this party but their glasses wearing friend was trying to push them to meet new people. "I dunno Jade.. I won't know anyone there. Except you, Dave, Rose and John." The nervous troll commented, playing with their hair. The human beside them only smiled. "Well you'll meet new people! Trolls like you! And you'll like them, I promise.. well except maybe Karkat." Jade mumbled the last part to which Elliot nodded and gulped. When they got to Dave's place and the party, they made their way in and it didn't even take that long for the nervous troll to loose their friend in the crowd. Elliot just sighed, looking at the trolls around them before retreating into a corner.

"Hey, are you alright?" A voice suddenly snapped Elliot from their thoughts as they looked at the buck toothed human male. Elliot nodded and let out a small nervous laugh. John nodded in return before he got an idea and gently grabbed the blue bloods hand, pulling them from the safety of their corner. "I have someone you gotta meet" All Elliot could really do was nod before stopping in front of a blue blood and an olive blood. The blue blood was sweating and had a broken horn and the olive troll resembling a meow beast, or a cat as humans called them. "Hey guys, this is Elliot." Elliot waved as they were greeted. Unable to stop from finding the cat troll pretty adorable and the blue blood to be very interesting. "Oooo! Nice to meet you Elliot. I'm Nepeta or AC and this is my meowrail Equius" The olive blood greeted. Elliot looked between the two of them, a little surprised that they were moirails before they nodded. "Greetings." Left the blue bloods mouth. They could tell Equius was probably just as uncomfortable here. Nepeta giggled when she noticed her moirail was sweating a bit more than before. "I'm gonna go ask Dave where his towels are. Don't want you to get too sweaty." She giggled before leaving and when Elliot went to turn to John he had already run off, leaving the 2 blue bloods standing there awkwardly. "So. What do you like to do with your free time Equius?"

As the party progressed, Nepeta returned with the towels but saw that the 2 blue bloods were getting along to the point she started to red rom ship them. She gave Equius his towels and left to spy on them from a distance. "So you must really be super strong." Elliot commented and tilted their head. "Indeed. I have to confess sometimes it is.. irritating." Equius replied, patting his face with the towel. Elliot nodded before smiling "Well, I think it's pretty cool. And as you grow up you'll get a hold of your strength and you'll be able to do what you love, or find the right matesprit to help you do the things you wanna do." Equius seemed to go quiet for a moment. "I.. had never thought of that." He admitted. Elliot nodded, smiling a bit more before they decided to offer. "Or maybe I could. You know, help with out of things if you want." Equius 'looked' at Elliot though it was hard to tell because of the glasses. "I already have a pale quadrant if that's what you're implying." He said, waiting from the disappointment from the other troll. This was very interesting to him since he'd only had the quadrant crushes but never had one on him before. "No. Not pale..." They trailed off before quietly saying "I... feel more flushed for you." Elliot said slowly to which made Equius' cheeks turn a shade of blue. "H.. how l00d" He quietly commented which made Elliot's cheeks turn a deep shade of blue as well. "Sorry.." They said before they saw a hand over theirs, hesitating to touch them which Elliot picked up and slowly put their hand in Equius'. When he didn't get a sound of pain he did his extra best to gently hold their hand. "I suppose.. I would be willing to try a flushed quadrant." He said which Elliot smiled and nodded.

After the party finally finished and Equius and Elliot had gotten each others handles, they had to say good bye to go back home to their hives. As Elliot walked they were suddenly scared by Jade who squeezed their shoulders and jumped on their back. "How did you go, did you have fun, did you make a friend????" She quickly asked which Elliot nodded and smiled confidently. "Well, yeah, I did. I did pretty well." Jade happily squealed at her friend's victory before she took a blue band off one of her fingers and gave it to her blue friend. "Here, have this then!" Elliot took it and just giggled, shaking their head a little at their human friend before slipping the band onto their thumb. As they looked at their hand, they looked at the blue bruise that had been left by the certain troll. Would things work out between them really? Would they be a good flushed quadrant. Elliot was interested not only in how he looked but also by his interests and the way he acted. 'Love at first sight' as some people would say. That night before nestling down into bed, they looked over the blue bruise once again on their hand and just smiled before going to rest for the day. Excited to get to know more of Equius and where the red quadrant would really take them. 

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