Eddsworld - (Side) What a mix up

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Elliot woke up like they did every every day, by groaning and rolling over before noticing the room. It wasn't like their first time waking in this room but they could have sworn they fell asleep in their own room last night. They groaned and sat up a little and at that moment was when they realised how wrong everything felt. Waking up in the bed? No. The less weight on their chest and something clearly against one of their legs, yeah that was really weird. Looking down Elliot couldn't help but blush slightly but then also panic. Not only was their chest completely flat but it was a very familiar chest and noticing the colour of their 'boxers' it all completely clicked. "Oh fuck, I'm in Tom's body." Elliot felt more panic as they got up and quickly looked in the mirror to confirm their suspicions, grabbing the mirror when they realised it was true. Their eyes still quickly looked over every bit of their body before they quickly realised. They locked the room door before pulling the waistband from the boxers and looked down, blushing a bit but also finding it so weird that it was attached to their body and everything.

Before thinking too deep as to what they could do in Tom's body, they went and grabbed their phone and called their own phone. "What?" A grumpy voice answered before they both realised their voices were probably different as well as Tom actually realising what had happened. "What the hell is going on?" Tom asked quickly which Elliot just quickly responded with. "You think I know?! Could you just get over here please." Elliot's voice waved a little, finding it weird to hear Tom's voice cracking. He just hummed a reply before he hung up and once again Elliot was alone in the room in Tom's body. As Elliot looked at the body again, calming down from their panic before they realised they could walk out of the room without wearing a shirt. And then they thought about and dreaded what going to the bathroom would be like. Then a blush made it to their cheeks when they started to think about jerking off and what exactly would make Tom jerk off too.

To say getting an erection was a weird experience would be an understatement but Elliot's intrigue was too much. They then got the brilliant idea to do it in front of the mirror before slowly pulling the boxers down, the sight certainly being one to behold that they were probably never gonna get tired off. Their mind started to disconnect from the body as they started to slowly jerk off, the new sensation causing a sudden moan to escape. Elliot's cheeks grew brighter as they just continued watching and quietly panting. Their heart felt like it was running a million miles on hour as they started to pick up the pace and the more pleasure started to surge through their body. The thoughts became more aggressive as they kept jerking off, watching the mirror and seeing it more as Tom jerking off while they felt the pleasure. But of course all things had to come to an end, balling their free hand into a fist against the ground as they came. The sensation was also completely different to what a girl's was like but at least it still felt good none of the less. After panting and calming down, deciding to lick their hand clean because, come on, it's Tom, you know he tastes great.

After getting cleaned up they decided to get dressed, grabbing some clothing and the iconic hoodie and leaving the room. Would Tom already be here in Elliot's body or would they have to try and act like Tom. "Morning Tom." A cheery voice said which made Elliot jump before looking at who greeted them, surprised to see Cam there. "Cam what are you doing here?" Elliot asked in surprise before realising they had to be a bit more chill. "Tord and I are working on some stuff together. So I kinda ended up staying over." Cam said and shrugged. "You two banged didn't you?" Cam blushed deeply and looked away. "What're you talking about ahahahaha. Hey breakfast should be ready so you better go and get some before Tord and Edd all the bacon!" Cam quickly said and made their way down the hall at a fast pace. Elliot couldn't help but giggle and go down to breakfast, hearing their stomach growl. As they were eating and try to act casual, the door opened and Elliot was so relieved to see themselves. It seemed like Tom might have been struggling a little to try and act like Elliot so Elliot got up and they both quickly ran off to Tom's room. "That's weird.. Elliot didn't even say Hi." Matt said a little sad. Cam then got an idea and grabbed Tord's wrist, pulling him along with them.

"So how do we change back?" Tom asked before Elliot giggled and realised Tom had probably done the same thing as well as struggled with things like getting dressed. Elliot pulled the hoodie off him and helped him oranges the weird and new female body. Once they were done there was a sudden knock on the door which Tom opened once the hoodie was back on. "You guys swapped didn't you?" Cam said with a slight smirk. Tom and Elliot looked at each other before looking at Cam and Tord. "What did you two do?" Tom asked through slightly gritted teeth. "We were working on a machine that would swap minds between 2 people. Turns out it also affected you two." Tord said, before looking between the two of them. "Well look into swapping you two back." Cam said calmly, pushing Tord in the direction of their room so Tom wouldn't be more pissed off than he already was. Once the door was shut again, Tom sighed before looking at Elliot. "What did you choose to wear?"

And so after that things seemed fine when everyone went to sleep, hearing that Elliot and Tom should swap back during the night they both went to bed peacefully cuddling. But as the morning arose Elliot opened their eyes and saw they weren't in Tom's room anymore. They did still feel an arm around their waist and when they turned to see who it was, they were greeted by a sleeping Tord. Elliot looked at themselves before groaning and getting up and pulling the blanket with them. "Damn it, not again!"

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