Chapter 1:Donuts And Cuddles🍩

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Kokichi's POV

It's been awhile since Shuichi has left his dorm.... I hope he's okay.. Wait, why am I thinking that? I don't even like him. Do I? No no, I'm just over thinking things. I'll go check up on him I guess.

I walked over to his dorm that was on the far right from my dorm. I knocked but didn't get a response.

I knocked again. No response.

Again. No response.

Don't tell me he..... No.

I knocked again. No response still.

What is he doing in there?!

I knocked one more time, this time, I did get a response... But not a very happy one...

"Leave me alone!!!" Shuichi yelled from the other side of the door. It sounded really close so I assumed Shuichi was sitting against the door.

"I'm just checking up on you, jeez."

"O-Ouma?! O-oh I-I uhm... I'm sorry!!! I-I'll let you in, hold on.." Shuichi sounded really frantic as if he was hiding something in there.... I wonder, does he-

I snapped back to reality once Shuichi opened the door. He looked a bit messy. Huh.

"Saihara-chan~ you look so messy!! Jeez, did you take a shower even?" I joked. I guess it wasn't a really good joke as it made Saihara look down; he looked a bit upset. No, not a bit, very upset

"U-uhm.... I'll... Go take a shower I guess, you can sit down on the couch.." Shuichi said as he walked towards his bathroom while also picking up something... Sharp? I didn't mind it as I imagined it was probably nothing and my brain was just messing with me.

Shuichi's POV

I can't let him find random razors lying around... He'll.... He'll figure it out if he saw them... He's quite smarter than he looked after all...

I hurried into the bathroom. I pulled out the razor and started cutting myself.

4 cut for almost letting Kokichi see the razor.

4 cut for worrying Kokichi .



........... Why am I doing this...? What am I doing even...

I sighed and pulled down my sleeves, I hid the razor in the medical kit I had inside the bathroom. I eventually walked out to see Kokichi watching cartoons on my TV. He noticed me and said "Hey Saihara-chan!!! Sit next to me, I wanna talk!!"

I nodded and walked over to him.

"So Sai- hey what's that?" he pointed to my arm that was bleeding.

"Ah!! I must have cut my arm by accident, I'll go bandage it up, so don't worry." I said as I waddled over back to the bathroom. I was starting to feel a little light-headed.

I took out the razor again.

1 cut for making that stupid mistake.

I put back the razor again and took out some bandages. I wrapped my arm with them and walked out again. This time, with Kokichi right infront of the door.

"Tell me the real reason it was bleeding Shuichi..." He called me by my first name and not one of the nicknames he'd given me. He must be very serious about this.

"I-it's nothing.."

"Shuichi!!! You're my friend aren't you!? You trust me right!? So tell me!!"

"I-I uhm.... Really, it's just....." I sighed. "I really can't lie to you huh...... W-well, it's just simple cuts, it's not that bad right?"

"Hmph..... Fine. But tell me next time!! I wanna be able to help you!!" Kokichi said as he cupped my face with his hands.

"Sure.. Let's go to the donut shop, I'm kinda hungry now..."

"Okie!!! I wanna try Sakura-chan's new donuts!!! Aoi-chan said they tasted amazing!!" he was so childlike that it was just precious, I chuckled and we left to get some donuts. We arrived at the shop eventually and saw Rantaro.

Kokichi's POV

Rantaro noticed me and Shuichi; he walked over to us while he was holding a paper bag that seemed to have some donuts as Rantaro was taking a donut from it.

"Hey Kokichi, hey Shuichi, what're you guys doing here?" Rantaro asked us while taking a bite from his donut.

"I-I just suggested that me and Kokichi should eat some donuts.."

"Ah I see. Did you guys wanna try the new donut flavor too? It's actually really tasty. Here, wanna try it?" he suggested as he handed me the donut he was taking a bite from. I took it and bit some of it. It was sooooooo good!!!

"That's really yummy!!!! ShuShu!!! Try some of it!"

"I uhmm.. S-sure.." I handed him the donut, he bit it and his eyes sparkled. "Ah that's really good actually.."

"I know right? Let's head over to my dorm and we can eat more. I have a few more in here."

"E-eh!? B-but that's yours! I don't wanna take from you..."

"C'mon Saihara-channnn!!! It doesn't matter, it's just food." I said as I nudged his arm.

"O-ok... F-fine..."

Rantaro's POV

Me, Kokichi and Shuichi walked all the way back to the dormitories. Once we entered my dorm. Kokichi immediately ate a donut. W h o l e.



"Kokichi!!! You should know that's dangerous!!" I exclaimed as I ran over to him.

"Let me gooooo!!!!! I'm just tryna eatttt!!!" Kokichi said as I tried to grab the bag of donuts from him. Shuichi eventually stepped in.

"U-uhm.. G-guys, just... Don't fight please... Those are just donuts after all.." Shuichi said as he tried to separate us.

"Then let's have a deal ShuShu~"

"Eh... What kind..?"

"If you cuddle with both me and Rantaro, I'll let go of the donuts~" Kokichi said seductively. Not gonna lie, it sounded like a pretty good deal in my opinion.

"E-eh.... If it stops you from fighting then s-sure..."

"Wow, you actually agreed Shuichi? Didn't expect that honestly" I say nonchalantly as I walked to the couch.

"Nishishi~ I didn't expect that either!!" Kokichi said as he gave Shuichi the donuts and jumped next to me on the couch. "C'mon!! Give us cuddles!!" he said as he patted the spot between me and Kokichi, gesturing Shuichi to sit down.

"O-okay..." he walked to the couch and sat between us. We all cuddled for about 15 or more minutes until we heard a knock on my door.

"I'll get it." I said as I walked to door, opening it only to see Kaede. "Oh hey Kaede. What brings you here?"

"Well, I uhm... Wanna ask a certain someone out and I need your help.. " she said as she looked away flustered.

"Ah, you're finally gonna ask Miu out huh?"

"PFFFFTT!!!!! KAEDE WANTS TO ASK OUT THE CUM ADDICTED PIG?! BWAHAHAHAHHAHA!!" Kokichi was laughing as he shaked Shuichi.

"K-Kokichi... Please calm down.."

That's it for now, I recently started shipping Saioumami so I thought I'd write a book for it. Plus, I don't see enough of this in Wattpad so uhhh yeah.

Quick info for ya'll:

>Rantaro is on first name basis with everyone in his class except Ryoma and Maki.

>Kokichi is on first name basis with Shuichi but only really calls him by his first name when he's serious.

>Shuichi isolated himself because of something I'll possibly show in the next chapter.

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