Chapter 4:Atua Is Pleased✨

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Tsumugi's POV

I was just hanging out in my lab, making some outfits for my next cosplay until I heard a knock on the door, I went over to open it and see who was knocking and what a shock!! The Ultimate Adventurer himself!

"Hey Tsumugi, I needed your help with something."

"Oh? What is it?"

"I wanna finally get in a relationship with Kokichi and Shuichi but I'm uhm.... A bit nervous and I have no clue how to do it you know?"

"Oh, so you really weren't in a relationship already.. Good to know I guess. Anyways, I should be able to help you! I've watched alot of romance animes!!"

"Animes don't always apply o the real world Tsumugi."

"It still works! Now come on in, let's talk inside." I said as I gestured him to come in, we went to see down on some stools that were set up in my lab. I made him a drink and he took it, taking a sip every once and a while.

"So, how am I supposed to... Y'know... Ask them?"

"You should make it really romantic!! Like uh.... Ask them to meet you one the roof top!!"

"How is that romantic?"

"Me and the others can help set up the roof! I'll also make sure no one else comes to the roof!"


"I have my ways!" I said as a winked with a mischievous smile.

"I don't trust you too much.."

"You should!! Trust me! After this, you'll be in a relationship with them for sure!!"

"I knew I should've asked Kaede instead.."

"It's okay!! I'll make sure it works out!! Plus, we've confirmed that Shuichi has a crush on you Kokichi right? And judging from how Kokichi acts around you two, it seems like the feelings are mutual!!"

"Gosh you're observant... But, I guess sure, I'll trust you. Just don't cause too much trouble." he said as he got up and place his drink on the table.

"Yay! I won't disappoint you Mr. Avocado!!"

"Haha... Thanks, just don't call me an Avocado." as he said that, he left the room. Nyehehe, thanks for entrusting me with this Rantaro!!

I decided to message Angie, hoping she could paint something romantic for the three.

Angel Yonaga😇 is online

Atua's Loyal Cosplayer!:
Hey Angie!! I need you to paint something for me! (。・ω・。)

Angel Yonaga😇:
Oh? Is that so? What is it Tsumugi?

Atua's Loyal Cosplayer!:
I need you to make a painting for Rantaro, Kokichi and Shuichi! It has to be romantic! And for context, Rantaro is gonna ask the other two if they wanna be in a relationship!! (;・'д・')

Angel Yonaga😇:
Atua is pleased with the idea!! Nyahahahaha!!! Now Angie shall do it!!

Atua's Loyal Cosplayer!:
Oh my Atua, thank you so much! o(〃^▽^〃)o

Angel Yonaga😇:
Atua says you're welcome!

Angel Yonaga😇 is offline

Yes!! This is going well so far!! Now, next is Kaede!! I need her to play the piano for us!!

Kaede is Thiccer✨ is online

Tsumugi is Thicc😔:
Kaede!! I'm in desperate need of help!! (;'Д`)

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