Chapter 7:Shuichi.. 💔

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This is gonna have some drama in it. A lot of it actually. So proceed with caution I guess? +Self-harm

Shuichi's POV

I decided to lock myself in my room again. I won't even participate in the party. Or any other event. What Miu said was true. It's impossible for me to look nice. Why do I even bother to try?


Huh? Oh, a new message from Rantaro.

Hey Shu, I'm gonna come over to your dorm with Koki💙

Ah, Taro, I actually can't really hang out right now..

Something wrong?

Just thinking.

You only text like that when something is wrong, now what is it?

Like I said, nothing is wrong.

Obviously, there is. Is it about what Miu said?


Open the door, me and Koki wanna talk to you :(

Shu💙 is offline

I sighed looking down.... Why am I so sensitive? Why did that even hurt?

They're just words.

Words don't hurt.

Do they? No, they don't.

Suddenly, I stood up, I didn't know what I was doing. I just tood up and walked in the bathroom. I then felt my body trying to reach for something. I got it. It was a razor. Why was a picking up a razor? The hand I was using to hold razor then hovered over my other wrist. What am I doing?

I felt pain on my wrist. Why? Why does it hurt?


I cut myself.

Why did that happen?

I did nothing wrong this time.

Did I?

I did.

If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this.

I started cutting my wrist more and more until I kept bleeding out. I cleaned up and wrapped my wrist with some bandages.

I walked out of the bathroom and decided I should go apologise to Rantaro. He didn't deserve that. I can't forgive myself for that.

I was walking down to Rantaro's dorm until it opened before I could get there, it opened to reveal Rantaro himself. He noticed me immediately ran up to me so he can hug me.

"Are you okay Shu? You really had me worried you know."

"Ah, sorry... That's... All I wanted to say, I'll see you l-later Rantaro.." I was starting to walk away but Rantaro took my hand and dragged me into his room (kinky- no.)

"You only ever call me anything but Taro when it's serious Shu. Tell me what happened... Please.. I wanna be able to help."

".. I-... Alright.. It's about what Miu said.."

"I knew it."

"H-huh? Wait, d-don't tell me y-you're gonna hurt her!"

"I won't I promise. Also, Kokichi told me something, it's just his guess but, he thinks you're cutting. Is it true Shu?"

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