Secret Love Song Pt. 2 | Peter Parker

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               Triggers: Possibly offensive language

                      KEY: (Y/N/N)- your nickname, (L/N)-Last Name, (Y/N)- Your Name

The Next Day:

(Y/N)'s POV:

         It was finally the day where i tell my parents about me and peter. I was really nervous because i know how my parents are. I was in the car with Peter on my way to my parents place. I was so worried about what would happen when we told my parents about us. I was starting to tear up a little thinking about what will happen.

"Hey (Y/N) are you sure you're ready to do this, i mean we can keep it a secret for as long as you want babe, i would understand if you did, and it wouldn't matter to me because no matter what i will always love you (Y/N/N)." Peter said to me trying to keep my mind at ease.

"I know Pete, but i'm ready to do this, because i love you more than anything Peter, and no matter what, i want to be with you." I said to Peter reassuring him about how i feel.

We were almost at my house, my anxiety starts getting worse again, because i know how my parents are. I know if my parents find out they will kick me out. I don't know what i would do if they did kick me out though, which is why i'm so nervous about telling them about me and Peter.

"Pete i'm really nervous about this, because well i'm not sure what i'll do when they possibly  kick me out." i say to him with a sad expression on my face.

Peter looks at me and says. "(Y/N) i know how you're parents are, i mean i have met them before." he says giggling a little, trying to lighten the mood in the car. "And if they do kick you out (Y/N/N), you can always move in with me and May, because she knows about us and accepts us. And no matter what, just remember i will always love you, because your the best boyfriend ever." Peters says making me feel a little better.

"I guess you are right Pete, thanks for always being there for me, even before we were together, and if they do kick me out at least i know where i will be staying. You're the best boyfriend ever Peter." I tell him with a small smile starting to appear on my face.

                               At my parents' house:

Peter's POV:

          We made it to (Y/N)'s house, i see that (Y/N) starts to get really anxious, when we pull up into his driveway. I grab his hands in my hands and try and calm him down. "Hey (Y/N/N) it's ok i'm here with you and i'm not going anywhere." i say trying to ease his anxiety, he *sighs* calming down.

"Thanks Peter, i truly appreciate it, i love you." (Y/N) says smiling at me.

We are walking up to his door and i knock on the door and his mom answers. "Hey Peter how are you?" she asks me.

"I'm doing good, how are you mam?" i ask spotting (Y/N)'s dad sitting in his chair, the one he usually sits in when he's home.

"That's good to hear, and i'm doing well." she says to me before opening the door more to let me and (Y/N) inside. "Hey dear, our son's home, care to say hi to him." Mrs. (L/N) said to his father.

"Huh? oh hey son how was your day at school?" Mr. (L/N) says seeming to not really care much about him, which made me ball my fist a little before (Y/N) looked at me mouthing a 'don't'. Once i see what he's trying to tell me then i calm down and un-ball my fist.

"Um, mom, dad, i need to tell y'all something important." (Y/N) says to his parents, his anxiety started to make his voice waver. "It's about me and Peter.' he says voice wavering again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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