Gulf - 👨🏽‍💻

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Walking into the office knowing I had no new manger to answer to , I mean he's was easy target.
the man lasted one month and couldn't cope with my little pranks . That man wasn't strong enough to be a mangers if he's couldn't handle some little games we played .

Oh well nice easy day for us all . Sitting down at my decks I worked in the gaming world we created  apps , and games , for players to feel connected to others,  I loved playing games I work hard to be here but I was still young at heart and wanted to enjoy my life . Serious... wasn't my style I was care free laid back person.

" hay gulf your in nice and easy what brings you here so early "

" well If you must know kimmie I wanted to say goodbye to our dearest mangers looks like he won't be back "

" really gulf are you even shocked by this.
I mean your last prank was a step too far , don't ya think "

" hay I didn't know he's was that scared of spiders and it wasn't meant to escape like that "

" the manger found the tarantula in he's brief case in a meeting with the board . I never heard a man scream like that . Let alone run into a glass door and pass out "

" hay that was all he's doing I didn't think he's was that scared kimmie "

"Fine but just so you know we had a new manger already line up , we need to prepare for him to come "

" well that was fast who the hell is stupid enough to take the roll this time "

" that stupid person would be me "

Turing around in my chair the man was well built, light brown hair my god he's suit must of cost more then the company did . Looking up he's brown eyes twinkling like stars. That man was delicious. What am I even thinking stop it gulf . He's a man why would you even think this.

" keep looking boy , I don't intend to go anywhere "

Did he's just challenge me or was that in a seductive way . I've really lost my mind.  why was I having these thoughts . Standing up putting my game face on

" really , I like to bet on that
I don't give you a week. Mr . Ceo "

" my name is mew but you can call me mr. Suppasit. I will be running this place from now on , to see what is causing mayhem. I will personally deal with that "

Well the man did had some balls to stand up to me . I like a challenge , it made the game more fun . Mmm maybe this really was going to be an interesting summer.

" I would like the team to be in meeting room 3 by 8am sharp ."

" that in 7 minutes "

" yes is there a problem with that kimmie "

" no ....,no sir ... I will get the rest of the team now "

" delightful I will see you soon "

Mew walk out the door not given us another word . Wow was he really this stubborn. What a shift man. Still I don't think he's be easy to get on with.

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