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Being back at home was what I needed to clear my head the weekend had been crazy I couldn't think without gulf crossing my mind , spending time with boom was always entertaining.

" so boom what do you say your move In with me for the time being just till I sort the company out then I come back here "

" only if you offer me a job like you said it's only for a fews months right "

" yes The house is so quite , work boring and you can keep me busy "

" fine it's a deal if only you find me a women mew I'm so lonely all the time "

" I will agree to be your wing man yes "

" so we can have a house warming party yesssss "

" yes boom anything let's go , you need to need meet the team "

    * Wednesday *

Rolling into the office it seem every quite opening my office door before I could say a word I was covered in water.

" what the fuck is this "

Wiping my eyes someone had put the buckets of water up there purposely so when I entered I was look like this.

" gulf kanawut what the hell did you do "

Boom walked in behind me laughing so hard . I glared at him I swear if he didn't stop laughing I would cause chaos.

Trying not to to slip up waking over to my cupboards I had change of clothes in there pulling the door ferociously ,

* puffffff*

White duck feathers pop out covering me so I was looking like a swan. Oh he gone way to far . Now I see why the mangers leave . Storming out the office I went straight to find the jackass

" gulf kanawut so god help you , want to explain this bullshit of your "

3 wide eyes looked at me , boat and mild just laughed no hiding there faces while kimmie looks so shocked.

" where is he "

" oh my I'm so sorry sir , I ... I ... don't know where gulf is to . I mean did he's really do this "

" kimmie who else would do this it can only be one man "

" man I'm  sorry to laugh but you just been played real good "

" boom I swear one more word and I cancel the party "

" come on mew I didn't do this mind you it's so funny to see Daisy Duck furious "

Picking up the book on the deck and throwing it at boom

Both mild and  boat shouted
DUCK at the same time

Boom ducked down as gulf entered the office and the book hit him straight in the balls

" aow who the fuck did that !!!! my balls "

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