Diagon Alley

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Harry shot up from his bed at the sound of his alarm. He reached over onto his nightstand to turn it off as quickly as possible before it woke his uncle. He quietly climbed out of bed and walked over to his wardrobe and grabbed his uniform and robe. He quickly put it on and combed his hair with his fingers. It was the first day back at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Harry packed a small tote bag with his invisibility cloak and his wand. It was all he needed. It wasn't like he had much to begin with, thanks to his neglectful Aunt and Uncle and his greedy asshole of a cousin. He put the tote over his shoulder and unlocked his window still trying to remain as quiet as possible. Outside of his window was was Ron Weasley in a light blue Ford Anglia 105E Deluxe that was enchanted by Arthur Weasley in order to fly, as well as to become invisible with the simple pull of a lever. Harry tossed his tote bag into the trunk of the car and grabbed Hedwig's cage off of his night stand, who was an 11th birthday gift from Hagrid and Harry's loyal companion. He gently placed Hedwig's cage in the backseat of the car and climbed into the passenger seat. "Hello Ron! Great to see you." Harry said. "Harry Potter! It's been a while hasn't it?" Ron replied smiling. Ron turned on the invisibility booster, which was activated by a small silver button on the car's dashboard. The button turned the car, its passengers, and everything else inside invisible.

They took off into the sky all the way to Diagon Alley, a cobblestoned wizarding alley and shopping area hidden from muggles behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron. Inside the alley would be an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. Hogwarts students make a stop there to get their textbooks and any other magical items they may need before making there way to the Hogsmeade station. Ron landed the automobile right in front of Flourish and Blott's Bookshop. The two boys exited the car and walked into the shop. "I really hope there aren't too many books this year." Ron exclaimed. "What do you care Ron? It's not like you're going to read them anyways." Harry said jokingly. "Shut up!" Ron replied while rolling his eyes. As they were waiting in line, they saw Hermione walking down the isle with a huge stack of books in her arms. "Hermione, over here!" Harry called out to her. Hermione dropped all of her books with excitement and came running towards them. She gave them each a tight hug. "Oh, how i've missed you guys!" she exclaimed. "We missed you too." Harry said. Ron glared down at the pile of books on the floor. "We have to get all of those?" Ron complained. "That's only half of them." Hermione replied while grinning. Ron and Harry walked up to the counter to grab their books. The lady at the counter asked them their names, and handed them each a heavy stack of  textbooks. "Bloody hell! I can barely hold one of these." Ron complained as they walked towards the away from the counter. Hermione was waiting for them at the door. "Alohomora!" she said while pointing her wand at the door. The door swung open allowing for Harry and Ron to walk through. Ron walked up to the trunk of the car which opened  automatically whenever any of the Weasley's walked in front of it. The boys threw their books in the trunk and hopped back in the car with Hermione. Harry reached into his pocket nervously "Oh no. I can't find my wallet! I must have dropped it in the book shop. I'll be right back." Harry said in a panic. "Hurry up Harry! The train leaves in ten minutes!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry ran back into the bookshop retracing his steps carefully. Suddenly he saw it laying on the floor in front of the book counter. He reached down to grab it when a large black shoe stomped on it in order to prevent him from picking it up. Harry looked up to see Draco Malfoy, a boy with platinum blond hair and a pale, pointed sneering face standing over him. "Get off Malfoy!"Harry said while attempting to pull the wallet from under his shoe. "Now why would I want to do that Potter?" Draco replied with a serious look on his face. "I don't have time for you or your games. My friends are waiting for me." Harry said. "Let them wait then. I don't even know why you hang out with that filthy mudblood and that slum Weasley." Draco said. "Well they're good people for starters. Unlike you." Harry repiled. "You know what Potter, you and I have a lot in common." Draco said with a grin. "I'd never be like you Malfoy." Harry responded. "Now give it back!" Harry yelled. "No." Draco said firmly. The lady behind the counter walked around to where Harry and Draco were. "This shop is not a playground boys. Take this nonsense outside." She said. "Gladly." Harry replied as he snatched the wallet out from under Draco's foot. Harry stormed outside not realizing that Draco was behind him. Harry began to walk towards the car but before he could get to it, Draco pushed him against the wall of the shop. Draco moved his grip towards Harry's neck and whispered seductively in his ear, "How dare you embarrass me like that. You're going to pay for this later Potter." Draco released his grip on Harry and smirked at him. Harry looked Draco up and down. Harry felt oddly flustered by his behavior, his cheeks turning red. Harry walked back to the car and sat down in the passenger seat. "What in the bloody hell was that about?" Ron said concerned. "Nothing. Just typical Malfoy." Harry replied nervously. "Are you sure that's all it was Harry? You're all red." Hermione chimed in. "I'm fine guys, seriously. Let's just go." Harry said.  "Alright, if you say so." Ron said as he started the car. The whole car ride, all Harry could think about was Draco. The thought of Draco pushing him around excited him. Why did he have this effect on him? Draco was a horrible person after all.

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