(Drarry Smut) Hogwarts Express

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Before Harry knew it, they arrived at Hogsmeade Station, a tiny, dark platform where the Hogwarts Express ended its journey north from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. The railway station served both the village of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Hermione got their tickets ready while Ron and Harry unloaded the trunk of the car. They each grabbed their bags and walked into the train station. They walked up to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 holds the secret entrance to the magical platform that can only be accessed by running straight ahead, directly into the barrier. Harry went first, Hermione followed and finally, Ron. Waiting for them to board was a large red, 4-6-0 steam engine called The Hogwarts Express. The golden trio climbed aboard and found an empty carriage for the three of them to sit and relax during their long journey to Hogwarts. The passenger carriages held compartments set off a corridor, allowing each compartment to function as a self-contained stage within the larger train. "I forgot how much I missed the train" said Hermione. "Don't worry Hermione, you'll have plenty of time to hate it again. Almost ten hours to be exact." Ron replied sarcastically. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Here comes the trolly!" Ron exclaimed. They all turned their heads to see the Honeydukes Express, a food trolley aboard the Hogwarts Express that enabled the students to purchase food on the way to the school. It was pushed by a plump, friendly witch, and some of the sweets were likely supplied by Honeydukes Sweetshop. "Would you three like anything off the trolley?" The witch asked. "I'll have three pumpkin pasties, two dew dew pyschodrops, fizzing Whizzbees, popping Pixie Wing Dust, roasted Chimera Potato Crisps, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs, Shrieking Sherbet, Exploda Soda, and Bubble Brew." Ron said without a stutter. "Are your parents neglecting you sweet child?" Asked the witch. "Bloody hell. Gosh no. I'm just hungry." Replied Ron. Hermione and Harry laughed. "How can you possibly afford all of that?" Harry questioned. "I got a job as a plumbers assistant this summer. Muggles pay quite well just for you to stick your hand down their toilet." Ron replied. "Gross." Hermione said while scrunching her face in disgust. Ron opened the foil keeping the pumpkin pasties warm and took a bite. "Want a piece Harry?" Ron asked. Harry had no interest in eating. He was still trying to wrap his head around his feelings for Draco. "I'm ok Ron. Thank you though." Harry expressed. Hermione began reading a book while Ron feasted.

Harry felt the vibration of a notification in his pocket. He pulled out his phone to see a text from Draco that read "Meet me in the last room on the train." Harry wondered what Draco wanted. He got up from his seat and opened the sliding door to the rest of the train. "I have to run to the bathroom. I'll be right back" Harry said while exiting the room. "Don't be too long!" Hermione said. Harry walked down the long empty aisle, heading towards the back of the train. He opened the sliding door to Draco's room. Draco was sitting in one of the chairs. "What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asked while closing the door behind him.

***SMUT** (You can skip if this makes you uncomfortable)

"I saw your face before. When I pinned you against the wall." Draco said. "W-What are you talking about?" Asked Harry. "I know it turned you on." Draco replied. Harry bit his lip nervously. "So what if it did?" Harry asked seductively. "Then maybe you wouldn't mind if I did this." Draco pressed his lips onto Harry's. Their tongues pressed together in a hot, openmouthed kiss. Harry could feel Draco's erection growing against his thigh. Draco pulled away and whispered in Harry's ear "Do you want this Potter?" Harry replied "Yes." Draco pulled off Harry's shirt and pushed him onto the table. "So you like it rough?" Draco teased. He began kissing down Harry's chest, leaving hickeys all over his body. Draco reached the top of Harry's pants and pulled them off along with his boxers. He was surprised to see how large Harry's dick was. He took his dick into his mouth, wrapping his lips around it and began sucking. Harry tried desperately to stop the whimpers from exiting his body. Harry gripped on to Draco's hair and began pushing his head down faster and faster. Draco felt Harry finish in his mouth. Draco swallowed before whispering "Oh we're just getting started baby. This is what you get for embarrassing me in the book shop." Draco ripped off his clothes revealing his throbbing erection. Harry grew excited by this sight. Draco reached into his bag and pulled out a small bottle of lube and swiped it on his dick. Draco looked at Harry in a way that sent shivers down his back. He threw the lube on the floor and began ramming his dick into Harry which caused him to let out a loud groan of pleasure. Draco covered Harry's mouth in an attempt to drown out the noise. "Call me daddy, baby." Draco continued thrusting into Harry.  "I want you to cum inside of me Daddy." Harry said. Encouraged by this, Draco rammed his dick into Harry faster and faster. "F-Fuck" Draco screamed while cumming all over Harry. They both cleaned up the mess and lay in each other's arms. "That was amazing Draco." Harry said. "I know." Draco said while running his fingers through Harry's hair. It was at this very moment that Harry had realized this is what he wanted his whole life. This is why he cared so much about what Draco thought of him. He loved him. They fell asleep in the chair together.


After falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms for almost an hour, Harry and Draco suddenly woke up to a loud knocking on the sliding door. "Shit someone's at the door Draco!" Harry whispered anxiously. They both scrambled to put their cold clothes back on to their tired and warm bodies. The knocking continued. "Just a moment!" Draco yelled. Just as Harry had finished buttoning the last button on his shirt, the sliding door opened. "What in the bloody hell is going on here?" Ron yelled. Harry and Draco looked up to see Ron and Hermione standing at the door with an angry expression on their faces. "We were j-just um-" Harry began . "We were just talking about how much we hate each other." Draco interrupted. Harry stared anxiously at the floor. "Oh really?" Hermione asked sarcastically. "Y-Yes why do you care anyways you filthy little mudblood?" Draco replied angrily. "First of all. Do not call me a mudblood you asshole. Second of all, Harry said that he was running to the bathroom and it's been over an hour. We were worried about him." Hermione replied angrily. "No need to worry guys. I'm sorry for scaring you." Harry said. "It's ok Harry. You just gave us a fright. And we felt no better finding you in a room with this asshole. We'll meet you back at our room." Hermione replied. Harry and Draco sighed in relief that they hadn't figured out their dirty little secret. Unfortunately for them, that relief didn't last too long. "Wait a minute." said Ron. "What is it Weasley?" Draco asked frustrated. "Does talking about how much you hate each other involve undressing each other?" Ron asked. "What the fuck are you talking about Weasley?" Draco asked angrily. "Holy shit. You guys had sex." Hermione chimed in giggling. "Why in fucks sake would you think we had sex you morons?" Draco replied, growing angrier by the second. "Look down Malfoy." Hermione replied. Harry and Draco had been in such a hurry to put their clothes back on, that they failed to realize they had put on each other's pants. Draco aggressively pulled them both into the room and slammed the sliding door. "Listen here you twats. If you say a word about this to anyone, or even think about it again, I will personally rip your heads off and feed them to a Basilisk. Do I make myself fucking clear?" Draco exclaimed. "Crystal clear." Ron said whimpering. "How about you mud blood?" Draco asked Hermione. "Fine. We'll keep your dirty secret." She replied. "Good. Now fuck off." Draco exclaimed, pushing them out of the room. Draco turned to Harry. "We have to be more careful next time." He said while placing a kiss on Harry's head. "Oh, so there's going to be a next time?" Harry asked smirking. Harry liked that Draco had a soft spot for him. It made him feel safe. "Plenty more next times." Draco said, winking at Harry. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him over to the chairs, placing Harry in his lap. "Let's get some rest now baby." Draco said, leaning his head back. Harry closed his eyes and fell asleep with his head on Draco's shoulder.

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