Chapter 2

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The first thing Izuku did when he got home that night was get scolded by his teary eyed mother.

He had expected as much considering it was past midnight when he finally found his way back, thankfully it didn't escalate more than a stern telling off and a week of being banned from hero watching.

Which, honestly, the boy wasn't sure was even a punishment anymore, a week felt too short even, considering the green haired boy had a lot of thinking to do in regards to heroes.

Next, however, he collapsed on his bed, he was completely exhausted from the day, he didn't even have enough energy to change out of his uniform, despite the unsightly state it was in.

Thankfully, the weekend was rolling up, so it wouldn't matter much if his blazer smelt of slime and sweat.
When he woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready, he changed into more comfortable clothes, switched on his computer and began researching and writing notes around his newly found device.

"If I assume that the watch works on a similar basis to temporary transformation quirks like that Mount Lady I saw debut yesterday, rather than something permanent, like Gang Orca's, I can see if there information on anything specific they had done in order to prolong their transformation time..." the boy muttered to himself.

After surfing around forums and reading some of the more publicly available medical documents on quirks of the aforementioned nature, the boy managed to deduce that it all came down to something as simple as how strong their bodies were.

Transformation quirks worked by changing someone's genetics, for example, Izuku had read a report on someone with a quirk called Lycanthropy, which allowed them to transform into a werewolf of sorts, this was done by changing certain genes in a way that made them emulate those of a wolf, whilst keeping others the same to allow the remaining parts to stay human.

Using this report he managed to gather that not only did being faster or stronger in their normal human form make them even faster when they activated their quirk, but their endurance played a big part in allowing them to maintain their transformed state, this was because maintaining a transformation was and extremely taxing ordeal as not only did the body's cells have to hold that new form, which already required a lot of energy, but they also had to store what they usually looked like, which was probably done in the nucleus of the cell, to allow the user to return to normal without side effects.

From what the boy could tell, maintaining a transformation longer than the body was capable could lead to cellular deterioration and incomplete reversion, a kind of limbo between the full transformed state and human state that required extensive surgery to heal.

Luckily for him, the watch seemed to have some in built fail safes to prevent both those things, namely the time limit.

These reports were also extremely helpful in the field of extra appendages too, as they gave great tips and exercises to help learn to control new body parts that may appear as a side effect of a quirk.

Happy with the conclusion that he would have to start working on his body so he could stay transformed longer and spend time in his actual transformations to learn how to control them, Izuku decided that he would have to plan a routine later, after he checked to see what the other forms the watch gave him were.

He kept rigorously researching quirks and physical training methods until his mother called him for breakfast.
"Morning Mom, sorry again about yesterday." The boy said sheepishly, whilst sitting down at the table.

"It's alright honey," his mother said, tending to the rice cooker, "I just wish you would tell me where you're going before running around, I can't imagine something like what happened to Mitsuki's son happening to you."

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