Chapter 19

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The aftermath of USJ was just as if not more stressful than the event itself.

Once all the teachers had arrived and they had checked that all the students were spik and span, they had called the police, and whilst the merry men in blue were on their way to collect the villains, Izuku, as the one responsible for capturing the villains in the plaza had been made to help apprehend them properly as to hasten the police's job of bringing them all into custody.

Not all that much of an issue with the help of a bunch of pro heroes and the fact that most of the villains were out cold and all of them were heavily restrained by the giant piles of purple goop Izuku had used to capture them.

The problem lay with freeing the villains from their capture, and that alone took a good hour, by the time the villains were all in cuffs and off to the precinct, the green haired boy was about ready to drop on his back and sleep right on the concrete of the training facility.

Of course, he wasn't allowed to, not only was sleeping in such a place wholly inappropriate and not particularly comfortable, the greenette needed to give his report of the whole situation to the police, which took him quite some time since he gave it in as vivid detail as he could, and had to once again explain the abilities of his watch.

Being a police officer, the man that was interrogating him was more than a little suspicious about the watch's origins, but thankfully he didn't pry too much, well, not as far as Izuku was aware of, hopefully there wasn't an open investigation trying to figure out where such powerful technology had come from and just how it had gotten into the hands of a quirkless teenager.

Izuku did get home eventually, but then he had to console his mother who had heard about the event on the news, how it got out so fast, the green haired boy didn't know, but it was on every news station he could find, and the internet was abuzz with information about the event.

Thankfully, the task of convincing her that he was alright had gotten remarkably easier after the boy had shown her the powers he now possessed.

When he finally got into bed, he just thanked his lucky stars that school had been cancelled for the next day, it let him sleep in in a way he hadn't done for almost the last year, deciding he had earned a day off from training.

Once he finally crawled out of bed some time near lunch, the greenette decided that it was too late to start on his training routine without spending the rest of the day on it, and that personally wasn't how he envisioned his day off, sure he spent most of his time at home using his training system to master his own body, or researching the watch and the forms it provided him, and he quite enjoyed doing so, but even he couldn't bounce back from such a stressful situation so quickly.

He did realise that once he graduated, said situations would be a daily thing, and he would definitely need to get used to it, he couldn't make a dent on the current society if he needed to take a day off every time something went a little wonky, but he was hoping that by then he would understand his primary form of defending himself a little better, or have more time to work with.

Regardless, this one time he had allowed himself a little break.

Said break came in the form of hanging out with Ochako, he let her pick this time, since he always defaulted to training, not his fault, he literally spent all his free time doing it, so he was a bit out of touch with where teens usually went to hang out.

She chose going out for Mochi, which she always did, so really the girl had no right to complain about his lack of variety when it came to choosing.

He indulged her though, it wasn't everyday that you watched your favourite hero get torn to shreds right in front of you, luckily thirteen had survived or Izuku would have been stumped as to how to console the girl, regardless, she obviously needed some support, as her usually upbeat attitude was a little dampened that day.

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