Chapter 6

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After a few hours of going through creatures and facts about Gravity Falls Dipper had fallen asleep in Bills lap.

Bill Pov

I stop talking and look down to see Pine tree asleep. I snap and he is in Pajamas. I snap again and he is tucked into his bed with his hat and journal on his end table. I look down at the sleeping boy in front of me. 'How do I even have a soulmate I'm a demon, and how the heck is my soulmate a human? Worst of all he hates me... I only have a week to gain his trust before our deal is off and he can cast me out' I sigh and and take another long look at Pine tree. 'I can change...... right?' I place my gloved hand on his forehead planting a dream of adventuring with Shooting star.
"sweet dreams Pine tree~", I watch as a small smile forms on his face and snuggles into his blanket. I smile and leave.

-Timey skippy-

Dipper Pov

"Mmmm" I sit up and stretch, I slept so great last night.

'Wait, did I change after Bill left or something?'
"Not exactly" I look up and see that Bill sitting in my desk chair.
"Uhhh how long have you been here...?"
"I came this morning so I can go to.... uhhh... whats that place called... the pace that makes your human brains grow."
"Uhhhh, you mean school?"
"Yes I mean shoool"
"Thats what I said"
"Uh, sure. Anyway you can't go to school."
"And why is that Pine tree?"
"Because I dont trust tou not to kill anyone." Then he mumbles,"I bearly turst you at all". Bill frowns.
"Well you said in our deal that I can't hurt anyone correct?"
"I did say that..."
"Great!" Bill snaps and we are both dressed.

Nobody Pov

(I drew what they are wearing as the cover of this chapter)

"Ok, my family will only recognize you in your triangle form... Mabel is really the only one we need to worry about because she will be at school to.... just try to avoid Mabel when you can or she will catch on... If anyone asks who you are just say..... uhh..."
"Pine tree lots of you mortals have the name Bill, and alot of them have never heard me talk so nobody is going to recognize me."
"Can you at least stop the echo in your voice?"
"You want me to change my voice?"
"I just asumed that you were choosing to make it echoey." Bill just glared at Dipper for a moment.
"Its rude to asume things Pine tree..." Bill looking mad and walking closer.
"W-wait I didn't- I wasn't- uhhhh" Bill kept walking until Dipper was stood against a wall. His Anger changed into laughter within seconds.
"Hahaha you should've see the look on your face kid."
Dipper thought, 'A actual genuine laugh. Bill laughing.' Dipper just gave him a glare.
"Just teleport outside the shack you overgrown dorito. I'll just wait till Mabel leaves for the bus and tell Stan a friend is taking me to school."
"Why can't I just meet you and Shooting star at the school?"
"Because I hate the bus and in our deal you said you would help me with WHATEVER."
"Fine see you outside."

Hope you enjoyed and remember,


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