Chapter 7

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Dipper walks downstairs to see Melody reading a book at the checkout counter. ( remember Stan gave the shack to Soos, and Melody is Soos's girlfriend.)

"Hey Dipper! Your uncles are out somewhere and Soos is giving a tour, Oh and Mabel just left for the bus."
"Ok thanks Melody, I'm getting a ride to school today though."
"Oh ok, have a nice day Dipper!"
"See ya!"

Dipper made his way outside and to the edge of the Mystery Shack parking lot.

"Ya, but are you sure you can walk that far? I've walked to school before but you.... your new to being in human form and we get tired unlike you Demons."
"Pinetree, Pinetree, Pinetree." Bill stepped closer and grabbed Dipper around the waist.  Startling Dipper making him jump.
"Who said we're walking?" Bill snapped his fingers and they were at school. They were around a corner from the entrance so nobody saw them apear. Bill looked down to see Dipper hugging his waist.
"W-warn m-m-me next-t t-time y-you t-t-teleport."
"Woops my bad Pinetree", Bill said patting his head. Dipper let go of Bill and began to walk to the front doors.
"Ok I'm going to take you to the principals office, let me do the talking. We clear?"

They continued into the school making their way to the front office and talking to the secretary.

"Hello my uhh- friend would like to enroll here."
"I need to know his last name to hun"
"His last name? Ummm..." Dipper looked back at Bill who was smirking, clearly finding Dippers struggle amusing. Dipper glanced around the room and saw a bubbler/drinking fountain.
"Um- Bill Waters?" The secretary just looked at him a bit puzzled.
"Pines, is that a statement or a question?"
"Okay then..." Dipper watched as she wrote down the information she asked for.
" Is there anything we should take into account making his schedule?"
"Oh! Uhh... hes been, uh ... home schooled his whole life, and uh, he just moved here and I'm the uh, only person he knows so his.... parents would perfer thst he is in my classes."
"....right...." she looked at Dipper wanting to ask more but decided against it. She turned to Bill.
"You will be officially enrolled here by noon, as for your classes just go with Dipper and tell his teaches that you are a new student, I will send them all and E-Mail aswell."
"Yes Ma-am" Bill tipped and imaginary top hat and walked out the door. Dipper rolled his eyes then followed him out.

"Ok whats first at shoool?"
"Its School and I have to put my stuff away, you go sit in there", Dipper said pointing to a Classroom.
"Sure thing!" With that Bill turned and walked into the classroom.

Hope you enjoyed and remember,


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