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'Before I stand down as ruler of the North and hand the crown to you, I want you to marry Suppasit'

The words of his grandfather replayed in his head over and over again. I was to be married?! He couldn't be married, marriage wasn't something he wanted. His work was far more important than having a wife. He would talk to his family about this, try to get them to go around his grandfathers words and let him rule single. 

Finding his parents in the dinning hall, discussing what, he doesn't know. "Your Highnesses?", the pair look at their eldest child upon hearing his questioning voice, his mother was the first to answer him, "yes darling?" giving full attention to her son. Mew was about to open his mouth and talk before his father cuts him off, "If it is about marriage, please have a seat, we need to talk about it with you." his fathers voice was stern and Mew had gained a little hope that his parents will agree with him. Walking swiftly over to his parents, sitting across from them, not even giving his parents time to talk before he started his rant about not wanting to marry anyone and wanting to just rule alone. He has been thinking hard about for a while, he had his whole speech planned out. When he finally stopped talking, he looked back to his parents in hopes they would agree with him.

Seeing his parents smile, his hopes grew more, "we knew you'd say that," says his mother after a while, smiling back to his parents, "So we arranged a marriage for you." finished his father. The princes face fell to a shocked expression. His parents couldn't be serious, this had to be a joke. Judging by the serious look of his father, he knew it wasn't. "No, no you can't, cancel the proposal," Mew tried but to his dismay, "I'm sorry son, but we arranged this a long time ago and the Southern Kingdom already agreed for you to marry their youngest." The young prince stared in disbelief at his parents.

"we were even invited down to the southern kingdom to celebrate the engagement,"

All Mew could do was hold his head in his hands, sighing to himself.  His father continued talking, but at that point Mew was no longer listening. How could he? His parents planned out his future for him, but he couldn't be mad, he knew this wasn't up to him. He knew he had to marry and bare a child in order to continue the family line. It was his duty and he had to accept it.

"....Leaving in and hour." His mother states with a smile.

Mew shakes his head, Oh shit what did she say?  Mew looks back up to his mother and smiles sheepishly, "leaving to where in an hour?" Looking back and forth between his parents.  His mother laughed softly, "Leaving to the southern kingdom of course," His mother smiled sweetly, "we're meeting your bride to be for the celebration today."  Mew felt his mouth open in shock. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the travel to the south~~

Staring out the car window, he weighted his options...Maybe she wouldn't want to marry him either, maybe she would want us to only be a couple to the public, maybe-

He didn't get to finish his thought when he felt the car come to a stop, the driver turned to the family before speaking, "The Traipipattanapong family would love to thank you for coming to this celebration for the engagement," Mew looks back out the window again (angsty teen detected), the driver continued a spiel of thanks and welcomes, he ended with telling the family to enjoy the city before going to the castle for the feast. 

Mew gets out of the car first, only to be met with a surprising amount of heat as the sun shone high in the sky. It was a change from the colder north, it was nice there as well but it was never this hot.  His family also gets out of the car and comments on the heat, his mother was a fan, his Father however was not. the family was also given an escort to walk them around the city, as well as to watch them to make sure nothing happens to the family while being out and about in the city.  The prince was ready to get this day over with, he just wanted to meet the girl he was supposed to marry and then go home. Can we please hurry this up, I have work to do at home. Mew was more than annoyed. He wasn't even listening to the escort as he was talking and started to walk off, his mother and father following.

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