11 || Puzzle Pieces

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Eric Sacks walks through his mansion, reaching one side of his property to find the dojo that is built for Master Shredder. The businessman is so excited to share the recent news he has received from April O'Neil. He knew there was a good reason why she showed up in his life again. Sacks needed to let his master know that the old project is going to be back online.

The filthy rich man stood in the middle of the dojo and felt his master's presence enter the room.

"Why are you here," Shredder asked in Japanese. "Student?"

"There's been a miracle." Sacks replied. "The vigilantes who've been causing us so much trouble? They're the test subjects." He grins. "Those itty-bitty box turtles that we thought we lost in the fire? They're alive, Master Shredder. And they've grown into something powerful." Sacks watched his sensei walk around the small dojo, his silhouette walking from the dim lighting. "It won't be easy to capture them, but if we can, we can finally carry out the plan that we had all those years ago."

Shredder is up for this plan. He's always has been since it died. He just didn't believe the turtles would be 'resurrected' at some point in his life. But he has a small question. "So you have given up on your animal?"

"She's off the radar. TS-26 is scratched off my plan since she can't be found. We got the four test subjects now." Sacks said. "April O'Neil also knows of the test subject called Rosita but I kept that from her. She hasn't got a clue I took her friend." He smirked evilly, just like his scarred-up master.

Shredder replies with satisfaction. "Hm...My Foot Clan will have unlimited power. And you will have your money."

"The city will be ours." Sacks tells him.

"Find those test subjects," Shredder says lowly.

"O'Neil's daughter is the one who found them and she will be the one who takes us right to them." He said.

Shredder nods and walks from the dojo leaving his student alone.

And the businessman is right. The card he gave April has a hidden tracker that will pin her location anywhere. Wherever she is, the Turtle Brothers might be.


"It's okay, O.," Don says to her, seeing she's hiding behind him. She didn't like that there was a stranger in her safe place with the smell of Foot Clan on her. "Come."

She trusted Donnie enough to follow behind him and see April for herself.

Don recalls April and Osa having some kind of relationship because Apil did get a little bit fluters on the roof earlier this week. He kept a clear and open mind to April's reactions.

"April." Splinter says. "I understand you know a girl named Rosita Montez?"

April adjusted herself on the pillow, nodding quickly anxious to know what else Splinter had to say. "Yes. I do. She's been missing for a week."

Splinter nods and speaks some more. "Please, be calm." The rat tells her. "We have your friend here."

"Where is she? Is she okay? Why do you have her?" She tried looking around for her but saw no one but the four mutant turtles. "I want to see her."

"Ma'am," Donatello says softly. "Your friend isn't the same girl you knew. Osa changed."

"Osa? Her name is Rosita." April said, very confused. "Please, please let me see her."

Splinter barged into the conversation, trying to keep April calm. "April, your friend has been mutated into something powerful.

"Mutated? What are you talking about?" April needed answers right now. If Rose is in this room, she demanded to see her. Don exhaled deeply and moves out of the way to reveal Osa standing behind him. Osa gulped, unsure of what was going on. April gasped at the sight of her. "Rose! Oh, my gosh, you're okay!" She giggled, standing up to try and hug her but Leo stepped in front of her.

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '14) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷 ❪✓❫Where stories live. Discover now