Chapter 5.

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Early the next morning, Mulan and Khan stood on a hilltop overlooking the Chinese army training camp. Mulan tried practicing her manly ways.

Mulan: "Okay, okay, how about this? (Ahem) Excuse me. Where do I sign in? Ha, I see you have a sword. I have one, too."

(Y/N): "(Offscreen) So, you've finally decided to take your father's place in order to save your father's life. How fitting."

Mulan and Khan turned to see (Y/N) Sivana, holding the wizard's staff and leaned against a bamboo. Mulan secretly blushed by (Y/N)'s handsome face.

(Y/N): "I know who you are, Fa Mulan. But, don't worry, you're secret is safe with me. I'm (Y/N) Sivana, the eldest son of The Sivana Family."

Mulan: "Nice to meet you. Oh. Who am I fooling? It's going to take a miracle to get me into the army."

Mushu: "Did I hear someone ask for a miracle? Let me hear you say... aaah!"

Mulan: "Aaah!"

Mushu: "That's close enough."

Mushu stepped out from behind a rock and introduced himself, claiming that the ancestors had sent him to serve as her guide.

Mulan: "Uh, my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?"

Mushu: "Hey, dragon, dragon. My powers are beyond your mortal imagination."

Mulan: "I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. I've never done this before."

Mushu: "Then you're gonna have to trust me. We clear on that? All right."

With Mushu hiding in her collar, Mulan made her way down to the army camp as (Y/N) went with her. She tried to walk like a man, but her awkwardness made the soldiers laugh.

(Y/N) told Mulan that he'll be back later and Mulan nodded. She watched as (Y/N) walked away.

Mulan: "I don't think I can do this."

Mushu: "It's all attitude. Be tough, like this guy here."

He pointed at a soldier named Yao. Mulan studied Yao, wincing who he carried himself.

Yao: "What are you lookin' at?"

Mushu: "Punch him. It's how men say hello."

Yao: "Hey!"

Yao chased Mulan through the camp, followed by his friends Ling and Chien Po. Run near a corner, they came across some recruits, waiting in line for rice.

Mulan ducked to one side, but Yao and his friends were moving too fast. They crashed into the recruits, knocking them over and spilling rice everywhere.

The next thing she knew, Mulan was in the middle a brawl. In a nearby tent, General Li unrolled a map and reviewed his war strategy with a young officer and Chi Fu.

General Li: "The Huns have struck here, here and here. I will take the main troops up to the Tung Shao Pass and stop Shan Yu before he destroys this village."

Chi Fu: "Excellent strategy, sir. I do love surprises. (Chuckling)"

General Li turned to Shang, the young officer who stood beside him.

General Li: "You will stay and train the new recruits. When Chi Fu believes you're ready, you will join us, captain."

Shang: "Captain?"

Chi Fu: "(Gasps) This is an enormous responsibility, General. Perhaps a soldier with more experience."

General Li: "Number one in his class, extensive knowledge of training techniques, an impressive military lineage. I believe Li Shang will do an excellent job."

Shang: "Oh, I will. I won't let you down. This is... I mean... (Clears throat) Yes sir."

They left the tent. The brawl was still in progress. Unconcerned, General Li mounted on. Summoning his  battalion, the general nodded to Shang.

General Li: "Good luck, Captain!"

Shang: "Good luck, Father."

Shang watched his father ride off. Then a come nearby Chi Fu, he addressed the scrambling recruits.

Shang: "Soldiers!"

The recruits jumped to their feet, pointing to Mulan alone on the ground. (Y/N) came to the scene and helped Mulan off the ground.

Shang: "What's your name?"

Mulan: "Uh, I've got a name. Ha! And it's a boy's name, too. It's Ping."

Shang: "Ping?"

Shang: "Yes, my name is Ping."

Shang: "Let me see your conscription notice. (Mulan hands Shang her father's army summons) Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?"

Chi Fu: "I didn't know Fa Zhou had a son."

Mulan: "He doesn't talk about me much."

Shang: "(To (Y/N)) And you are?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N) Sivana, the eldest son of The Sivana Family, at your service."

Shang: "Okay, gentlemen, thanks to your new friends, Ping and (Y/N) Sivana, you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice. And tomorrow, the real work begins."

The next morning, Shang had the troops up bright and early for training.

Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man out of you

Tranquil as a forest but on fire within
Once you find your center, you are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man out of you

I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

Be a man
We must be swift as the coursing river
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order and you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man out of you?

Be a man
We must be swift as the coursing river
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Be a man
We must be swift as the coursing river
Be a man
With all the force of a great typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Mulan tried her best, but she couldn't keep up with the rest of the soldiers. Shang handed her Khan's ranes and told her to go home.

But as Mulan turned to leave, she caught sight of the arrow on the top of the poll. She decided to try for it one more time. Tying the desks together, she used them to pull herself up the poll. All the soldiers watched in amazement. (Y/N) Sivana smiled as he watched Mulan reached the top of the poll.

(Y/N) Sivana's Adventures of Disney Mulan 1998.Where stories live. Discover now